Afro-Eurasian Supercontinent
The Chinese traders were very well practiced in establishing trade routes that would help their economy since they ruled the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. There were many benefits that came out of this and helped the economy. These routes connected long-distance oceanic trade to the interiors of Europe, Asia and Africa.
Warren Carter, Forging the Modern World. New York, Oxford University Press 2016. 22 -
Japan and the Silver Supply
The Japanese made a magnificent growth in the global economy in the sixteenth century with silver production. In the 1570’s Japan was the most reliable source of silver imports in China because the American silver began to reach China via Manila. The silver industry gave growth to the Japanese economy and following the Japanese came the Europeans who gained success with this industry as well. Warren Carter, Forging the Modern World. New York, Oxford University Press 2016. 106 -
Britain and France in the Seven Years' War
Great Britain and France had put themselves in great deal of debt after the Seven Years’ War because they both wanted to be victors of the war. They encountered many issues and causalities that led both sides to sign up to four different treaties to end the horrible energy from each other. For the British the Peace of 1763 was a huge cost to them. This war cost the countries a whole deal of financial issues and other paths for them so save their country and gain complete sovereignty. Ibid 138 -
America Independent from England-1775-1776
After the British thought their power might Infiltrate even in the Americas after winning Seven Years' War, however that wasn't the case. There were some economic issues that caused the Americans to think about the ties they had with England. The taxes that were imposed on the Americans made them come up with the slogan "no taxation without representation" for the colonists unfortunately no economical changes were made and the economic status wasn't too different even after their Independence. -
Industrial England
The Industrial Revolution in England brought great economic changes from 1780-1831 which led to positive benefits. Some of these economical changes were the factories that were built and more people gained jobs and this raised population and labor. Population raised over 50% after the industrial revolution. R.J. Morris British Economic Growth during the Industrial Revolution. http://www.historytoday.com/rj-morris/british-economic-growth-during-industrial-revolution -
Decline of the Ottoman Empire
Ottoman empire declined during the 16th century because of the closing trading routes with the Dutch and British because they closed the trade routes in the Middle East. Due to this fact then this empire encountered an inflation causing it to decline and have no more power.
Stanford Jay Shaw.The decline of the ottoman empire 1566-1807
https://www.britannica.com/place/Ottoman-Empire/The-decline-of-the-Ottoman-Empire-1566-1807 -
New European States (Formation of Germany and Italy)
German Empire gained its economic force after beating France to the steel production and the railway after just in two decades. By 1914 Germany was an Industrial giant of second to the US. https://www.britannica.com/place/Germany/Germany-from-1871-to-1918 Germany from 1871 to 1918 -
Spanish America
The economy at its best for Spanish America was under the ruler of Charles III because she showed great economic improvements for his kingdom. Between 1778 through 1788 trade increased from 78 million reales to 300 million reales due to the fact of trading that was only allowed within the empire. Donald J. Mabry Economy in Colonial Spanish America (revised)
http://historicaltextarchive.com/sections.php?action=read&artid=295 -
North America and Africa
There were different reforms that took place to make some political and economic changes to this area. This just happened under the boxer, Maji-Maji and Ghost dance movements. James Carter, Richard Warren. Forging the Modern World. New York. Oxford University Press 2016. 246 -
The Second Industrial Revolution
The second industrial revolution changed america and progressed its economy in the newest aspect of all the invention of the railways and the steam engine. This only made imperial expansion but also helped in global market goods that came form Asia and Latin America and all this made New York a power station. ibid 216