Lakatos view of organized science
"Lakato's developed a view of the organization of science that was very influential. This is known as his "methodology of scientific research programs" ( though he spelled it "programmes", in the British way)". (Godfrey-Smith p 104) To Lakato's their can be more than one research program going on in the same field at the same time. -
Lakatos Research and Programs
Lakatos key Idea: Research Program. Similar to Kuhns paradigms but with key differences. Similarities between paradigms, and programs: Both guide and direct scientific questions, experiments and interpretation of data. A theory of scientific change must account for change within and between paradigms/programs. (sisyphusredeemed 5:50) So they where not always at odds with each other. -
Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes
"The best-known of Lakatos "Conference Proceedings" is (Criticism and the Growth of knowledge) which became an international best- seller. It contains Lakatos important paper "falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes." (FMSRP) Lakatos methodology has been seen, rightly,as an attempt to reconcile Poppers falsificationism with the views of Thomas Kuhn." (Musgrave,Pigden p 3.4) -
The History of Science and its Rational Reconstructions
Lakatos proposed that one can evaluate competing theories of rationality by asking how well they enable one to reconstruct the history of science, (whether it be mathematics or empirical science). (Musgrave, Pigden p 3.5) So is it about perception.? -
work cited
Godfrey-Smith, Peter, Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the philosophy of Science, 2003, p 104,
https://web-a-ebscohost-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/ehost/ebookviewer/ebook?sid=3ebfe709-fce6-4103-9b2f-9693267de0e3%40sdc-v-sessmgr02&vid=0&format=EB date accessed 19/06/2020 Musgrave, Alan, and Pigden, Peter, Imre Lakatos, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Winter Edition 2016, p 3.4-3.5, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/lakatos/#Bib , date accessed 19/06/2020 -
work cited
Sisyphusredeemed, Post-Kuhnian Philosophy of Science: Imre Lakatos, 2017, Mar 19, p 5:50
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VExVaR8S_wQ , date accessed 19/06/2020