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Proofs and refutations 1963-1964
Imre Lakatos was a 20th century philosopher of mathematics and science. One of his first works “Proofs and Refutations”, published in the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, is a great way to start viewing his works. In this paper, Lakatos attempts to contrast complex theories, which tend to “cover up difficulties” that might invalidate them, to simply solving a problem, which often times leads to more problem solving. -
Changes in the problem of inductive logic 1968
“Changes in the Problem of Inductive Logic was written by Irme Lakatos in 1968. This may not be one of his most influential works however, it shows is stance on inductive logic as a whole. In this paper, Lakatos tries reverse the opinion of Popper, having lost in his debate about theory and evidence in science with Carnap. He shows that Carnaps original theory ended up leading him further and further away from it’s original attempt by producing unsolved problem after problem. -
Research Programme 1970
In 1970 Imre Lakatose wrote an essay titles “Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes”. In this work, he utilizes similar concepts of proofs and refutations but applies them to scientific theories as a whole. Lakatos discusses how is ideas are similar to Karl Poppers but expands in a different way. He emphasizes that, although a theory may be incomplete, or rely on assumptions, if it leads to new discoveries then it “leads to progress”. -
History of Science and Its Rational Reconstructions 1971
In 1971 Lakatos wrote “history of Science and Its Rational Reconstructions”. This work breaks down how there may be multiple rational reconstructions of history due to there being multiple ways of perceiving rationality. Ultimately the goal is determine the best depiction of the history of science by determining which rational view of history deems most of “great science” more rational. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FzaQS4noAA