By EvaM27
  • Jane Austen

    Jane Austen
    Jane Austen was acclaimes British novelist of the 19th century, renowned for her keen obsevation of society and her timeless romantic comedies such as "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility".
  • Period: to

    Important Women In The History

    This timeline is make for Maria Cabañas and Eva María. This timeline talks about five women who made history.
  • Emmeline Pankhurst

    Emmeline Pankhurst
    Emmeline Pankhurst led the British suffagette movemnet, advacing women's voting rights through activism and founding the Women's Social and Political Union.
  • Marie Stopes

    Marie Stopes
    Marie Stopes was a pioneering British scientist and women's rights activits kknwon for her work in promotingg birth control and reproductive rights.
  • Virginia Woolf

    Virginia Woolf
    Virginia Woolf was an influential British writer of the 20th century knwon for her innovative literary style and exploration of themes such as identity and femininity.
  • Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher
    Margaret Thatcher was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, knwon for her conservative polices and strong leadership style.