It is said that at the age of 19, in the cathedral of Pisa, he timed the oscillations of a swinging lamp by means of his pulse beats and found the time for each swing to be the same, no matter what the amplitude of the oscillation, thus discovering the isochronal nature of the pendulum, which he verified by experiment. -
Newton created the laws of gravity. -
Einstein's many contributions to physics include his special theory of relativity, which integrated mechanics with electromagnetism, and his general theory of relativity, which extended the principle of relativity to non-uniform motion, creating a new theory of gravitation -
James Clark Maxwell
Statistical Physics theorist -
Marie Curie
Her research established the techniques and methods that other physicists like Rutherford needed to probe the internal structure of the atom -
Ernest Rutherford
Studied Alpha particles on the atom. -
He won an award in physics for his structure on the Atomic bomb. -
Richard Freyman
Gave a lecture on physics -
Micheal Faraday
Faraday was the inventor of many important discoveries including many extremely useful chemicals that are still in use today. He also, as mentioned earlier, founded many extremely important electronic components. Some of his most important works were those involving light and magnetism, proving that they were interrelated. However, he made lots of observations that changed the way we look at and think about light, magnetism, chemistry, and physics. It is this that makes him one of the greatest a