Benjamin Thompson (Late 1800s)
was the first to experiment with household issues and practical science.
first to label nutrition as a science -
Catherine Beecher
she writes "Treaties on domestic economy"
she also helped to reinforce domestic values in home economics -
Melvil and Annie Dewy
They helped create more jobs for women and helped to move home economics to higher education -
John Morrill
he was the one who sponsored the Morrill act, which was made to support agricultural and mechanical arts -
Morrill Act
this bill created the ability to provide land grants to western states to establish colleges -
University of Fayetteville
Land grant university in Arkansas
first state assisted college in Arkansas -
Ellen Swallow Richards
literally had the nickname "mother of human ecology" because she coined the term.
was the first woman to get a B.S. by MIT -
W.O. Atwater (late 1800s)
he was considered to be the "father of nutrition"
studied the science of exercise metabolism -
Carolyn Hunt
was awarded a B.S. degree in chemistry
worked with Atwater on metabolic testing -
What are Land Grant Universities (1862-1890)
signed into law by President Lincoln
the were institutions within the U.S. that were designated by the states to receive benefits from the Morrill Act -
Rumford Kitchen
won the Chicago world fair.
was used by the department of health and sanitation to elaborate on the science of nutrition -
Martha Rensselaer
was a Cornell university professor as well as one of the founding co-directors of the College of Home Economics
president of AAFCS -
Smith Lever act
this bill was created to establish the cooperative extension service -
Smith Hughes act
this bill established FACS as a CTE for higher education -
American Diabetes Association
this organization was first formed by 58 people who were dedicated in educating the general public on health and nutrition
this is now the largest organization of food and nutrition professionals -
Lulu C.Graves
first president of the ADA
was dedicated to helping the government improves the publics health -
C.F. Langworthy (mid 1900s)
Co editor of the Journal of Home Economics
conducted various metabolic testing -
Vocational Education act
this was created by congress to offer new as well as expanded vocational programs -
Vocational Education Amendment
this amendment was created to take the importance that was focused on the occupation and shift it to be focused on the individual -
Vocational Education Amendment
this amendment was never passed by the senate -
American Home Economics Association
in 1994 the AHEA held a conference and decided to change the name of the organization to Family and Consumer Sciences -
Carl Perkin act
this was created to increase the quality of technical education such as supplementing educational programs that are offered by state resources -
Current headquarters for FACS
the current headquarters are in Alexandria Virginia