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History Timeline
Metacom or King Philip led many other Indians into a widespread revolt against the colonists of southern New England
Like the indigenous peoples of the past, we are currently facing an issue of cultural misunderstanding with Mexicans. Often times, we resolve these issues by creating uneccessary conflict as shown through Metacom's actions in the 1700s. We need to cease in our tendency to participate in the "He said, She Said" mentality so that riots such as this one do not ensue, -
Bacon's Rebellion
It was moments like this from history that inspires American citizens to take the borderland issues into their own hands by creating protests and overtaking the streets. This is how I feel some American citizens view illegal immigration. Because our President does not agree with most conservative views about hwo to handle the problems on the border, they are angered with him and feel the need to battle matters on their own leading to deaths and hysteria. -
French & Indian War
The French and Indian War is relevant to current immigration events because it began as a mere regional conflict that escalated into a world-wide conflict. Other regions of our nation fear this when they witness the Southwest's conflicts with Mexican immigration. Here, there also existed the clashing of two cultures and we see how Indians are manipulated by the French in order to achieve more allies. -
Colonist Loyalism Prevails
I think this is relatable issue that Mexicans have to deal with presently. Although conditions in Mexico do not reflect the luxories we receive here in the United States, there a number of Mexican citizens who remain loyal to their country and show very little desire to leave it. Even when the border is crossed, these same peoples fear losing their identity and culture by becoming a United States citizen. This, I believe, reflects the same values held by the colonists in the Revolutionary War. -
Civil War
The Civil War is a poisonous event in our history that should not be glossed over when it comes to immigration issues, However, because there exist so many opposing views as to how to solve our immigration "problems," conflict might occur, but hopefully not to this extent. This war reflected a clash of ideologies between the Northern and Southern parts of the United States just as we a conflicting with a southern country (Mexico) in present day. -
World War II
World War II is defined two ways: it is said to have been a war powered by conflict of interest while also becoming a war about race. Citizens tend to fear a World War III strictly because of the destruction of the previous World Wars. I think citizens of today fear this the most as our enemies continue to rise. The border issue is one that is not at the same magnitude as the other problems that we are facing as a nation with other countries and therefore should be left alone. -
Pearl Harbor Attacked
Fall of Iwo Jima
Since our ties with the Japanese is viewed also as a cultural war, our issues with Mexicans often are viewed in the same light. When our conflicts are with a direct country like that, it becomes easier to understand the racial aspects of the situation rather than the more political issues that are involved. The fall of Iwo Jima showed that it was possible to undermine Japanese tactis.The United States is still trying to prove its superiority in handling the borderland issues. -
Use of Atomic Bomb
The atomic bomb's intention was to destroy everyone and everything in site, dividing a nation in two. If we do not address the racial divide that is being created by the borderlands, then the use of violence will only continue to escalate along the border. This is how the United States is viewed- unable to negotiate and irrational. These views are integrated with Arizona's SB-1070 and the border wall. For bring the United States, we have a history of creating divide. -
Social Security Act
Social Security benefits are one of the issues that American citizens battle over with undocumented immigrants from Mexico. Americans feel entitled to these benefits because they are legal citizens and have worked hard within our country to retrieve them. -
Baby Boom Generation
It is mainly the Baby Boom generation that strongly oppose of illegal immigration harshly because their ideas conflict with the current generations idea of freedoms. -
Berlin Blockade
The Berlin Wall was a barrier that seperated East Berlin from west Berlin. The border on the borderlands is a border that seperates the north part of North America from the Southern part of North America in a sense. I don't think the idea of a border wall would have come about if it weren't for the implementation of the Berlin Blckade I view it more of a reason to be inspired since the Berlin Wall was eventually knocked down. We need to stem this change if it is true that history repeats itself. -
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidency
The attiude and tactics of Dwight D. Eisenhower similarly reflect those of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. His military background creates this persona that conservatives tend to admire because he is adherent to "doing his job." However, I feel that this same attitude is what is driving out state farther apart from the rest of the nation. Our sherriff does not care if he has numerous ememies, encouraging conflict about the border crisis. This is harmful to our state and does not solve the issue at present. -
American Civil Rights Movement
The United State's issues with Mexico has sparked for Mexican-Americans around Arizona to stem up what they like to think as a second wave of civil rights movements. These issues go deeper than mere political issues, but are human issues that need to be resolved. Like those movements in the 60's, Mexican-Americans are inspired now to initiate change so that we can be treated as appropriately as possible. -
The Tet Offensive
Mexicans are viewed as violent, cruel people, willing to kill almost anything and anyone that gets in their way. This is much similar to way that the Vietnamese are viewed in the Tet Offensive. We associate the same hysteria those people created to the events that are occurring at borderlands and therefore view every Mexican as drug dealers and rioters.