Most popular video games of 2020 1582141293

Important Game Consoles

By Jesse3
  • Magnavox Odyssey

    Magnavox Odyssey
    The first video game console to exist with the 2 most popular games played on it being pong and shooting gallery
  • Atari 2600

    Atari 2600
    The Atari was important because it helped popularize video games as well as popularize the use of cartridges for games. The 2 most popular games played on the Atari 2600 were Pac-Man and Space Invaders
  • NES

    The console that had got Americans to enjoy playing video games again as well as implementing physical things to interact with the screen such as ROB, the Powerglove, and the NES blaster. The two popular games on the NES were Super Mario Bros. 3 and The Legend of Zelda.
  • SEGA Genesis

    SEGA Genesis
    Being similar to the SNES and being the other side to the console war it was considered the more edgy console due to controversy with the game Mortal Kombat and SEGA left the blood in the game while the SNES had it taken out and the whole controversy is why we have ESRB ratings. The most popular games on the SEGA Genesis were Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Gunstar Heroes
  • GameBoy

    The gameboy was a portable hand held console that w
    broadened its audience by making its price cheaper than the $100 NES and Nintendo had said that 46% of the gameboy users were female further broadening the audience. The 2 popular games were Dr.Mario and Super Mario Land.
  • SNES

    With an improvement of graphics from 8-bit to 16-bit and one of the first sides to console wars. The popular games featured on the SNES were Super Mario World and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  • Playstation

    being similar to the N64 with having 3d designs the big part about the Playstation was it was the first console to use disks (I'm disregarding SEGA cd because it was an attachment not a built in cd reader) and the slim version came with an attachment to be able play games without being connected to a TV. The popular games on the Playstation were Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy VII.
  • N64

    Having more advanced technology games were capable of having 3d models instead of having one POV you could have many views of stages and characters. The popular games of the N64 were Super Mario 64 and Golden Eye 007.
  • Xbox

    This was Microsoft's intro to the home console industry. Its popular games were Halo and GTA San Andreas.
  • Game Cube

    Game Cube
    This was the console that proved Nintendo to be better than SEGA by having SEGA's Dreamcast be a flop due to SEGA's bankruptcy. Popular games on the Game Cube were Super Mario Sunshine and Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • GBA SP

    GBA SP
    The Game Boy Advance SP innovated portable consoles by being a lot more portable than all the other Game Boys by being able to fold as well as being able to charge it instead of having to switch batteries. Popular games on the GBA were Metroid Fusion and the gen 3 Pokemon games.
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    The Xbox 360 innovated consoles by having the kinect which is a motion sensor that had many games to go with this attachment. The popular games of the Xbox 360 were Halo 3 and Red Dead Redemption.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    Nintendo innovated with this console by implementing motion controls within the games and with this it had made it easy to create games to help people get fit. Popular games were Super Mario Galaxy and Wii Sports.
  • 3DS

    The 3DS has the same benefits of mobility as the DS however the 3DS is capable of playing in 3D without glasses. Popular games were Super Mario 3D Land and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.
  • Wii U

    Wii U
    The Wii U had innovated by being able to switch from playing a game on a small screen to a bigger TV screen. The popular games for the Wii U were Splatoon and Super Smash Bros.
  • PS4

    The PS4 is capable of 4K HD as well as having the controller have a touch pad and its the only console that has VR set as of now. Popular PS4 games are Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us Part II.
  • Xbox One X

    Xbox One X
    Whats special about the Xbox One X is that its a power house when it comes to performance such as faster loading screens, better textures and overall a smooth experience. Popular Xbox one games are Forza Horizon 4 and Gears 5
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    The Switch is the successful little brother to the Wii U making the Wii U the older brother stuck with a dead end job because the Switch can do what the Wii U can but better by making it capable of being a completely portable console as well as a functional home console. Popular games for the Nintendo Switch are Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Xbox Series X

    Xbox Series X
    The new upcoming Xbox will have to be innovative because it will be the next generation of consoles however how its been shown to be innovative is by being a tower instead of a regular console shape. The games that will be featured are Cyberpunk 2077 and Halo Infinite
  • PS5

    Though as of now it hasn't been released as of now but through what we've heard its for sure innovative by not just being a powerful console but by also trying to make games as immersive as possible like having the controllers react with whats being shown. Since the console hasn't came out there aren't really popular games however games that will come out on the PS5 are, Spiderman: Miles Morales and Resident Evil VIII.