John C. Calhoun
7th vice president; stepped down during Nullification Crisis (he was from S.C.) -
Roger B. Taney
Eventually became a chief justice (followed Marshall Court's philosophy); seen as an enemy to Lincoln due to clashing views and the forbidding of the suspension of Habeus Corpus. -
Better transportation than flatboats -- could carry twice as more, sail through shallow water, and deal with river currents of the Mississippi -
advances in transportation (steamboats and trains, for example) allowed for faster trade (with larger amounts of goods) and faster travel (less commute time for citizens) -
Five Civilized Tribes
Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole; Cherokees had a constitution and a written language -
John Marshall
Chief justice; shaped American legal traditions -
James Madison
Democratic Republican president; War of 1812 happened during his presidency -
Interchangeable Parts
Produced more weapons at a lower cost; blacksmiths go out of business -
Tallmadge Amendment
Proposed by James Tallmadge; would stop the further introduction of slavery in Missouri and all all slave children born, by the age of 25, would be free. Rejected by Senate -
Panic of 1819
First US financial crisis during Monroe's presidency;mainly caused by farms and businesses who couldn't pay back banks the loans they borrowed -
Universal Suffrage
Movement that caused the 14th (males 21 and above can vote), 15th (all adult males of every race can vote), and the 19th (women's right to vote). -
Cult of Domesticity
Piety, purity, submissiveness, and domesticity were expected to be cultivated and women were expected to carry out role of mother and wife (what they're "meant" to do). -
Missouri Compromise
made to even out states (for slavery vs. against slavery); Missouri enters as slave state, Maine as a free state, and nothing north of the 36-60 line could be a slave state -
Monroe Doctrine
Europe tries to colonize any more states in America = act of agression on US -
Election of 1824
"The Corrupt Bargain"; John Quincy Adams won against Andrew Jackson, making Henry Clay his secretary of state; caused collapse of Republican-Federalist party -
Erie Canal
"Clinton's Big Ditch"; trade increased with a new route to run; idea originally vetoed but set in motion later on by another president; made wider after initial construction -
The Spoils System
Jackson used this system; placed his supporters in office and fired those who didn't support him. -
Tariff of Abominations
Tax that mainly affected the South who threatened to secede (Nullification Crisis) -
Peggy Eaton Affair
Peggy had an affar with Senator Eaton and eventually married him; shunned by rest of the cabinent (except Martin Van Buren and President Jackson); caused Jackson to fire many and Calhoun stepped down -
Trail of Tears
Five Civil Tribes forced to leave their land; Indian Removal act which was passed by Jackson; Cherokee fought back in court but still were forced to leave -
The American System
Henry Clay created it; protective tariff, strong banking system, and federally funded transportation system -
Lowell, Massachusetts
New England farm girls were supervised and escorted everywhere; the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association formed as a result. -
Made harvesting grain much easier; needed less labor force, causing workers to leave for city -
Created by Samuel F.B. Morse; long distance communication possible with this and came cheap -
Defined as opposition to immigration; due to large amount of immigrants, people looked down upon them for taking up jobs