Important Events Timeline

  • John C. Calhoun

    John C. Calhoun
    7th vice president; stepped down during Nullification Crisis (he was from S.C.)
  • Roger B. Taney

    Roger B. Taney
    Eventually became a chief justice (followed Marshall Court's philosophy); seen as an enemy to Lincoln due to clashing views and the forbidding of the suspension of Habeus Corpus.
  • Steamboats

    Better transportation than flatboats -- could carry twice as more, sail through shallow water, and deal with river currents of the Mississippi
  • Transportation

    advances in transportation (steamboats and trains, for example) allowed for faster trade (with larger amounts of goods) and faster travel (less commute time for citizens)
  • Five Civilized Tribes

    Five Civilized Tribes
    Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole; Cherokees had a constitution and a written language
  • John Marshall

    John Marshall
    Chief justice; shaped American legal traditions
  • James Madison

    James Madison
    Democratic Republican president; War of 1812 happened during his presidency
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Produced more weapons at a lower cost; blacksmiths go out of business
  • Tallmadge Amendment

    Tallmadge Amendment
    Proposed by James Tallmadge; would stop the further introduction of slavery in Missouri and all all slave children born, by the age of 25, would be free. Rejected by Senate
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    First US financial crisis during Monroe's presidency;mainly caused by farms and businesses who couldn't pay back banks the loans they borrowed
  • Universal Suffrage

    Universal Suffrage
    Movement that caused the 14th (males 21 and above can vote), 15th (all adult males of every race can vote), and the 19th (women's right to vote).
  • Cult of Domesticity

    Cult of Domesticity
    Piety, purity, submissiveness, and domesticity were expected to be cultivated and women were expected to carry out role of mother and wife (what they're "meant" to do).
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    made to even out states (for slavery vs. against slavery); Missouri enters as slave state, Maine as a free state, and nothing north of the 36-60 line could be a slave state
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Europe tries to colonize any more states in America = act of agression on US
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    "The Corrupt Bargain"; John Quincy Adams won against Andrew Jackson, making Henry Clay his secretary of state; caused collapse of Republican-Federalist party
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    "Clinton's Big Ditch"; trade increased with a new route to run; idea originally vetoed but set in motion later on by another president; made wider after initial construction
  • The Spoils System

    The Spoils System
    Jackson used this system; placed his supporters in office and fired those who didn't support him.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    Tax that mainly affected the South who threatened to secede (Nullification Crisis)
  • Peggy Eaton Affair

    Peggy Eaton Affair
    Peggy had an affar with Senator Eaton and eventually married him; shunned by rest of the cabinent (except Martin Van Buren and President Jackson); caused Jackson to fire many and Calhoun stepped down
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Five Civil Tribes forced to leave their land; Indian Removal act which was passed by Jackson; Cherokee fought back in court but still were forced to leave
  • The American System

    The American System
    Henry Clay created it; protective tariff, strong banking system, and federally funded transportation system
  • Lowell, Massachusetts

    Lowell, Massachusetts
    New England farm girls were supervised and escorted everywhere; the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association formed as a result.
  • Reaper

    Made harvesting grain much easier; needed less labor force, causing workers to leave for city
  • Telegraph

    Created by Samuel F.B. Morse; long distance communication possible with this and came cheap
  • Nativism

    Defined as opposition to immigration; due to large amount of immigrants, people looked down upon them for taking up jobs