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Important Events of the Vietnam War

By TkLake
  • France captures Siagon

    France captures Siagon
    The French invade Vietnam slowly, taking over little by little. In 1859 they capture Siagon and then in 1883 forced North and Central Vietnam to become French protectorates. This plays an important role in the future of French/Vietnam war. Source
  • France invaded by Germany

    France invaded by Germany
    Germany invades France allowing for the Japanese to control parts of Vietnam. Upset among Vietnamese communists begins. This is important because it allows for the Japanese to enter Vietnam allowing Vietnam to eventually regain control of the country.
    source source
  • Ho Chi Minh Makes a Move

    Ho Chi Minh Makes a Move
    Vietnamese communists fight for control of Vietnam from March of 1945 to August 15, 1945 when the Japanese surrender giving Ho CHi Minh the opportunity to begin an uprising gaining him control of Vietnam. This is importnant because Ho CHi Minh will eventually use his control of Northern Vietnam to begin the Vietnam War. source
  • Declaration of Vietnamese Independence

    Declaration of Vietnamese Independence
    Having defeated the Japanese, Ho Chi Minh now had control over North Vietnam and declared all Vietnam a free-state. France disagreed with this, denying peace settlements. The importance of this event is that because of this, Franch and Vietnam begin to fight and create another war.
  • First Indochina War

    First Indochina War
    An 8 year long war breaks out between the French and Vietnamese in the wake of unsuccessful peace negotiations. source
  • People's War

    People's War
    Ho Chi Minh attempts to unite North and South Vietnam by declaring a People's War beginning the second IndoChina war. Source
  • Ho Chi Minh Trail

    Ho Chi Minh Trail
    During the People's War, the series of Ho Chi Minh trails was created as a way to move supplies and troops into South Vietnam as well as to confuse the American troops. This is important because this is the Trail on which the first American casualties happen. source
  • Agent Orange & Operation Ranch Hand

    Agent Orange & Operation Ranch Hand
    Between 1961 and 1971, U.S. Military sprays Agent Orange on Vietnamese land and agriculture hoping to kill all sources of food and coverage in South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. This is important because it shows how the world use to regard experiemental warefare items. Source
  • Thousand Tons of Bombs

    Thousand Tons of Bombs
    On this day, a thousand tons of bombs are droped on Vietnamese communists in North Vietnam by U.S. and South Vietnamese fighter-bombers. This event shows how brutal the conditions of war can be. source
  • Anti-War Rallies are Nationwide

    Anti-War Rallies are Nationwide
    Anti-war rallies are held in 40 cities around America and internationally. This is in contrast to the supportive march of 25,000 people in Washington just days afterwars. Source
  • March in Washington

    March in Washington
    In Washington, neary 25,000 people march the streets in support of the war efforts in Vietnam. This is important because it is in contrast to the anti-war rallies happening all over the country just days before this march. Source
  • B-52 Bombers

    B-52 Bombers
    First use of B-52 bomb-fighters. Holding 100 bombs per plane, these plabes were able to drop bombs from 6 miles high. This is important because its another example of America trying out their "toys." source
  • Moratorium in Washington

    Moratorium in Washington
    An estimated 250,000 people turned up for a "Mobilization peace demonstration" in Washington. It is believed to be the worlds larges anti-war protest on record. This is importanat because it shows just how much the American people wished for their troops to come home, that they believed the war to have gone on long enough. source
  • The Paris Peace Accords

    The Paris Peace Accords
    A cease-fire settlement was signed concluding America's involvement in the war. This is important because it begins the withdrawl of American troops from Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos and is the first step in ending the war. source
  • Good Bye America

    Good Bye America
    On April 30, 1975 at 8:35 am the last American soldiers leave Saigon allowing for North Vietnam to capture it. The war ends. This is important because it is the end of a very long and very hard war. source