Important Events of the Decades

  • Period: to


  • Broke the 4-Minute Mile

    Broke the 4-Minute Mile
    Roger Bannister was the first person to ever brake the 4 mintue barrier for the mile run. His record only lasted for 46 days before being broken again. He later retired in 1993 to become a neuroligist.
  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    Jonah Salk was the first person to find a workable cure for the Polio disease. This vaccine saved many many lives.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    This is the day that Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on the bus. The first 4 rows of seats on the bus were reserved for only white people, which she sat in. Refuseing to move from the seat casued her to get arrested.
  • Sputnik Launch

    Sputnik Launch
    The first man-made object an the first satellite ever in space! This metallic sphere was created by the USSR which marked the beginning of the space race during the beginning of the Cold War.
  • Fidel Castro

    Fidel Castro
    Fidel Castro was sworn in as Cuba's Prime Minister on Feb. 16, 1959. This would mean big trouble for America and JFK during the Russian/Cubain Missile Crisis.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    The USSR wanted to plant nucleur installments in Cuba since it was close to America. This was all part of the cold war we were fighting with USSR. No missles were fired because of JFK.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    This day shall forever live in infamy as the day that one of America's greatest presidents was assassinated in Dealy Plaza, Dallas, Texas.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
    Martin Luther King Jr. was a black civil-rights activist who pushed for equality in America between blacks and whites. He is famous for his I have a dream speech. He was assassinated for his beliefes in 1968 James Earl Ray.
  • First Man On The Moon

    First Man On The Moon
    Neil Armstrong was the first man ever to set foot on the moon. He and Buzz Aldren traveled to the moon in the Apollo 11 module, as promised by JFK.
  • Woodstock

    Over three-hundred thousand peace activists gathered at Woodstock for a giant three day concert to express music and art.
  • Sears Tower

    Sears Tower
    The Sears Tower was the tallest building in the world for nearly 25 years. In 2011 it was renamed the Willis Tower. It is 1, 451 feet tall.
  • Watergate

    Richard Nixon hired exons and burglers to break into Democratic comittee and steal information from his opponents running against him.
  • Richard Nixon Resignation

    Richard Nixon Resignation
    Nixon was accused of being involved in the Watergate scandal. Nixon reisgned from office before being impeached.
  • Test Tube Babies

    Test Tube Babies
    Louise Brown was the first succesful test tube baby. She was born on July 25, 1978. Her parents couldn't concieve for nine years because of the mothers blocked fallopian tubes.
  • Three Mile Island

    Three Mile Island
    The Three Mile Island disaster was a partial nuclear meltdown. No cancer has been linked to the disaster yet although environmental damages did occur. Mnay new saftey laws were put in place as a result of this disaster.
  • Mount Saint Helen Eruption

    Mount Saint Helen Eruption
    Mount Saint Helen in the state of Washington erupted, spewing a column of ash and smoke 80,000 ft. into the air above whiched ended up spitting ash in 11 different nearby states.
  • Lennon Assassinated

    Lennon Assassinated
    John Lennon, founder of the Beatles, was shot four times in the back on Dec. 8, 1980 by Mark David Chapman while returning to his hotel in New York. His ashes were then spread on the Strawberry Fields memorial in Central Park.
  • Hole in The Ozone

    Hole in The Ozone
    The hole in the ozone layer gained national attention in the year 1983. Major companies that produced CFC's in aerosoles, a leading cause of ozone depletion, were banned and shut down.
  • Chernobyl

    Chernobyl was the worst nuclear accident to date. It took place in Chernobyl, Ukraine which caused massive amounts of radiation to leak into the nearbye environment and town.The area has been declared uninhabitable for the next ten thousand years.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The destruction of the Berlin Wall during the "Peaceful Revolution" in Germnay. The East side and the West side could now live together.
  • Hubble Telescope

    Hubble Telescope
    The Hubble Telescope is a space telescope that was carried into orbit by a space shuttle. The Hubble Telescope takes extremely sharp images of the Earth and of other galaxies. It was a huge advancement for future space exploration.
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    This war started because Iran infiltrated and anexed Kuwait. The U.S.responded by sending troops to Middle Eastern countrys. There were a total of 34 nations involved in the war.
  • Unabomber

    Ted Kaczynski was known as the Unabomberr. What he did was mail home made bombs to specific targets. These targets included university's, poeple, and organziations. He decided to become a Unabomber when he saw humans destroying the wildnerrness around him. He killed 3 people and injured 23.
  • Columbine Shooting

    Columbine Shooting
    Two students brought guns to Columbine High Shcool in Colorado and killed twelve tudents and one teacher. The two students took their own lives after they had killed the twelve students an teacher.
  • Y2K

    The year 2000 created a problem for digital and non-digital storage. People were afraid that the computers would crash becuase they would have trouble transferring to a new decade number.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attack

    9/11 Terrorist Attack
    On September 11, 2001, a group of Al-Qaeda members hijacked two different airliners, and flew them into the Twin Towners or the World Trade Center. Another plane hit the Pentagon, and another plane crached landed in a field in Pennsylvania. Its destination was unknown, but it was suspected to hit the White House.
  • The DC Sniper

    The DC Sniper
    The first account of a sniping in the DC, Maryland area was at 5:20p.m. The sniping period lasted three weeks and a total of 10 people died and 3 were shot but they survived.
  • Terri Schiavo Court Case

    Terri Schiavo Court Case
    Terri Schiavo was sent to the hospital in critical condition in the year 1990 from cardiac arrest. She was left with brain damage that left her in a coma, then in a vegetative state. Her husband Michael Schiavo wanted her off life support so she would suffer no longer, but Terri's parents opposed. The conflict went to court and lasted until 2005. The discision was made to terminate life support and Terri died in 2005.
  • U.S. Airways Flight 1549

    U.S. Airways Flight 1549
    3 minutes into the flight or Airliner 1549, a swarm of birds colided with the plane and jammed the engines. The pilot of the flight had to pull a "ditch" maneuver, which is to crash-land the plane. The plane landed in the Hudson River with no loss of life.
  • Fort Hood Massacre

    Fort Hood Massacre
    Fort Hood is a military base camp near Killeen, Texas. On November 5, 2009 Nidal Hasan shot a total of 43 people, 13 of those people being killed and 30 being injured. It is the worst shooting ever to take place on an American Military base camp.
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    Haiti has had many earthquakes in its history but none as devasting as the earthquake that registered a 7.0 magnitude. 316,00 were anouncd dead, 300,000 were injured and another 1,000,000 were homeless.
  • Japan Earthquake

    Japan Earthquake
    Japan has also had many Earthquakes but on March 11 they had an earthquake that had a 9.0 magnitude. Thsi earthquake also created a huge Tsunami that made everything worse. 15,883 people were confirmed dead. the earthquake also caused accidents at four major nucleur power stations.
  • Bin Laden Killed

    Bin Laden Killed
    Bin Laden had a major role in planning the 9/11 terrorist attack. He hid for 10 years before we were finally able to find him. He was the founder and head of the terrorist group Al-Qauda.
  • Joplin Tornado

    Joplin Tornado
    The tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri was a multi-vortexed EF5 tornado. Thsi tornado caused massive destruction and killed 158 and injured 1,150 others.
  • Sandy Hook Elementry Massacre

    Sandy Hook Elementry Massacre
    Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 kids and 6 teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut. Lanza shot his mom before going to the school and he also shot himslef once he heard the police sirens.