725 BCE
Sparta: dominate Messenians
The Messenians became helots (HEHL•uhts), peasants forced to stay on the land they worked. -
650 BCE
Sparta: Messenians revolution
The Spartans, who were outnumbered eight to one, just barely put down the revolt. Shocked at their vulnerability, they dedicated themselves to making Sparta a strong city-state. -
621 BCE
Athen: Draco's code
Draco developed a legal code based on the idea that all Athenians, rich and poor, were equal under the law. -
594 BCE
Athen: Solon democratic reform
He organized all Athenian citizens into four social classes according to wealth. Only members of the top three classes could hold political office. However, all citizens, regardless of class, could participate in the Athenian assembly. -
500 BCE
Athen: Cleisthenes reform
He broke up the power of the nobility by organizing citizens into ten groups based on where they lived rather than on their wealth.
He also increased the power of the assembly by allowing all citizens to submit laws for debate and passage.
Council of Five Hundred -
Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE
The Persian War
The Persian Wars, between Greece and the Persian Empire, began in Ionia on the coast of Anatolia.