First Commercial Oil Well Drilled
Edwin Drake drills for Petroleum in Pennsylvania and finds it, causing the first oil rush. It helped to promote the spread and popularity of Kerosene lamps across the US and was the start of the american oild industry. -
The First Hydroelectric Plant Opens
First Hydroelectric Plant opens The first Hydroelectric plant in the world opens in Appleton, Wisconsin, ran my H.J. Rogers, who was inspired to build it after hearing of Thomas Edison's Power Plant in New York. While there were many issues starting out, this is the begining of hydroelectic power. -
Hoover Dam is Built
It was the biggest producer of Hydroelectricity in the world when it was built, and continues to generate electricity today. It began a movement towards hydroelectricty, inspiring other projects by simply being successful. -
Petroleum becomse most Used Fuel in the US
As automobilbes become extremely popular and demand increases, the use of petroleum also increases. As a result, it becomes the most used Fuel in the US, and extemely vital in our economy. Today the US consumes 2/3rds of the world's oil production. -
Nuclear reactor produces power
The Experimental Breeder Reactor 1 lights four light bulbs in Idaho, becoming the first nueclear reactor to produce electric power. This is a landmark step in Nuclear Engery and will eventually lead to the develpoment of Nuclear power plants. -
First Nuclear Power Plant begins operation
The first major nuclear power plant in the US opens in Shippingort, Pennslyvania. It supplies power to pittsburg and west Pennslyvania, This is the begining of nuclear power plants going up all over the US. -
US Department of Energy Created
Created by the The Department of Energy Organization Act. When it was first created, it mostly dealed with nuclear challenges. Now, however, it works to ensure national prosperity by taking on energy, nuclear and enviormental problems. -
Worst Nuclear Meltdown In US History
A cooling system at the th Three Mile Island Plant in Pennsylvania failed, causing a partial meltdown. Dispite there being no fatalities, this caused a lot of concern regarding nuclear power, something that would go on to cause a drastic declination in the building of nuclear power plants over the next 30 years -
NRC approves new Nuclear Power Plants
After 30 years, the Nuclear Reglatory Commision approved the building of two nuclear reactors in Georgia, the first since the three-mile meltdown in 1979. This is hailed as perhaps the reemergence of nuclear power as a potential huge source of energy in the US, and the shift of the public to look at nuclear power in a more positive way. -
Offshore Wind Farm gains Federal Funding
Cape Wind, a project to create an offshore wind farm, gained funding from the federal government. Dispite countless lawsuits from the opponents of the wind farm in the years preceding the desicon to fund it, the projec thas steady gained speed and the wind farm in Nantucket Cape is expected to be fully functional in 2017 -
http://pabook2.libraries.psu.edu/palitmap/DrakeOilWell.html http://alternativeenergy.procon.org/view.timeline.php?timelineID=000015 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/13/timeline-nuclear-power-history-fukushima_n_1593278.html http://energy.gov/management/office-management/operational-management/history/brief-history-
department-energy http://www.cnbc.com/2011/03/16/11-Nuclear-Meltdowns-and-Disasters.html?slide=4 http://www.ne.anl.gov/About