Important Events From 1850 to 1890

  • Marco Polo's ship Launched

    Marco Polo's ship Launched
    Marco Polo's ship launched in St. John, New Brunswick
  • Bytown renamed

    Bytown renamed
    Bytown was renamed Ottawa
  • Grand Trunk Railway opens

    Grand Trunk Railway opens
    grand trunk railway opens its Toronto-Montreal line
  • Gold discovered

    Gold discovered
    gold is discovered in the Fraser river in British Columbia
  • First Women in university

    First Women in university
    the first women to get accepted to university was at Mount Allison university in Sackville, New Brunswick
  • British North America act passed

    British North America act passed
    Britain Passes the British North America Act
  • Confederation of Canada

    Confederation of Canada
    the day Canada became a country
  • First women Doctor

    First women Doctor
    Emily Stowe becomes the first women doctor
  • First Prime Minister of Canada

    First Prime Minister of Canada
    Sir John A MacDonald is elected as Canada's first prime minister
  • New Province

    New Province
    Manitoba becomes a part of Canada
  • Canada buys land

    Canada buys land
    Canada buys Rupert's land
  • Another new province

    Another new province
    Prince Edward Island becomes a province of Canada
  • Prime Minister resigns

    Prime Minister resigns
    Prime Minister John A MacDonald resigns because of allegations of corruption
  • Alexander tells about the telephone

    Alexander tells about the telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell tells his father about the telephone in his house just outside of Brantford, Ontario
  • First "Hockey" game

    First "Hockey" game
    The first "hockey" game was played in Montreal, Canada
  • Court established

    Court established
    The supreme court of Canada is established
  • first women to graduate medical school

    first women to graduate medical school
    Augusta Stowe, daughter of Emily Stowe, is the first women to graduate medical school a medical school in Canada
  • Canadian Pacific Railway finished

    Canadian Pacific Railway finished
    The last spike of the Canadian Pacific Railway is drove in