Period: to
New Jersey Colonies Established
This royal colony was established by British Queen Anne by combining the American provinces of East and West Jersey. -
The Yamasee War
In 1715, the British had already established many colonies in North America, and took over the land of numerous Native Americans who resented them. This and other factors led to the Yamasee War fought between the British colonists of South Carolina against a number of Native American tribes. -
End of Yamasee War
South Carolina suffered many setbacks. They lost many lives as well as settlements, but in the end they conquered the Yamasee tribes and the war was brought to an end. -
The Iron Act
British Parliament passed the Iron Act in 1750. This act removed the taxes being paid by Britain on the iron imported by the American colonies as well as stated American colonies should not use iron and export it in raw form from Britain. This haulted Americans from establishing production on their own land, reduced profits for exported iron, and was one of the main reasons that led to the American Revolution. -
French and Indian War Begins.
This war began in 1754 and was fought between the British colonies in North America, and the Frecnch colonies as well as their allies. The French and Indian war was seen as a smaller part of the Seven Years War being fought in Europe. George Washington was 22 during this time and participated in the war. The war was fought mainly for the control of the Ohio RIver Valley. The French won many victories, but in 1757 more soldiers arrived and defeating the French and Indian and gaining the Ohio. -
Pontiac's War Begins
Native American tribes in the Ohio River Valley were not thrilled of the victory of the British. Because the British stayed in the valley they were unhappy. The eventually led to the Pontiac War led by chief Pontiac. After much slaughter on both sides they negotiated and the Native Americans left the lands claimed by the British. -
Royal Proclamation of 1763
After the French and Indian War, King George II of Britian made the proclamation. This was aimed at protecting the rights of the Native Americans. It stated that coloniests should not settle in lands west of the Appalachain Mountains. -
British Parlament Passes Sugar Act
This act reduced the taxes of the Molasses Act, but then stated that they would be strictly enforced. This made the colonists angry, but even more because the North American colonies were not doing well in the econimic conditions. -
British Parlament Passes Stamp Act
In 1765 a large number of British troops occupied North American colonies. These soldiers needed provisions such as food, housing, as well as a large amount of pay in wages. Parlament decided to collect this money from colonest by stated if any wanted to print any material in the North American colonies, they should do so on papers imported from London. The paper was expensive meaning the coloniests had to pay money and this event is another of the main issues leading to the American Revolution -
Townshed Act's Riots
In more efforts to impose taxes to make more money from the colonies, the British government passed a number of taxes called the Townshed Act. There were new duties imposed on tea, lead, glass, paper, and other items imported. The result of this was the colonists boycotting British goods in Boston, a central economic center in that time -
The Boston Massacre
British troops were ordered to be stationed in Boston by the British government in 1768 because of the protests about the new taxes from Britian. In this event, a group of protestors gathered around 8 British soldiers, threatening them with clubs and stones. The soldiers open fired killing three immediately ad two more later from the wounds. This event is now known as the Boston Massacre. -
The Tea Act is Passed
While this act did not pass any new taxes, it provided full monopoly of the tea trade in the Americas to the British East India Company. During this time over 80% of tea in the American colonies was smuggled to avoid the high amount of import. The act was an attempt to end this while also helping the in-dept East India Company. This act led to the Boston Tea Party. -
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea party was a protest against the newly established tea act. The protest was formed by the thirteen American colonies to protest against the economic policies imposed by the British. It was launched by a group called The Sons of Liberty. As part of their protest they boarded British ships carrying a cargo of tea and destroyed the shipment by throwing chests of tea into the harbor. -
The Intolerable Acts
In response to the outbreak of the Boston Tea Party, parlament passed a new series of acts later known as the Intolerable Acts. The acts closed part of Boston to any economic activity, removed Massachusetts political rights, and imposed other measures. This was a major event leading to the American Revolution. -
First Continental Congress
The first Continental Congress took place to discuss the Intolerable Acts passed by the British government. The delegates from the Thirteen Colonies agreeded on a set of grievances shared with King George III through a petition. They also discussed establishments for local militias within the colonies as well as if the King did not respond another Congress meeting would be held the next year. -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
These battles were the first armed engagement between American revolutionaries and the British. In April 1775 British troops were stationed in Boston mainly with a portion in Lexington and other in Concord with the intent of destroying militia supplies. The British troops were confronted by militia men and the first shots of war were fired. They continued to attack the British while they were trying to fulfill their duties of destroying militia supplies. The miltia laid siege to Boston. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
This battle took place as part of the siege of Boston in the midst of the Revolutionary war. The plan of the British was to occupy the hills surrounding Boston. After learning of this plan, the revolutionists occupied Breed's Hill to take them in advance with the suprise factor. The British did end up occupying this hill, but with a severe amount of casulties. -
Declaration of Independence
In 1776 the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress. This document states that the 13 American colonies were/are no longer under British rule and are considered in themselves as independent colonies. -
Winter at Valley Forge
General George Washington and the Continental army camped at Valley Forge for the winter. However, they did not have enough provisions or supplies and nearly 2500 men died to poor conditions. While the downsides of this experience are incredible, the time spent at Valley Forge gave the army an opportunity to train and they became a better army overall. When they left, they were more equipped to fight the British than previously. -
Battles of Saratoga
Two battles were fought in 1777 between Americans and the British forces in Saratoga New York. These battles are known as the First and Second Battle of Saratoga. In the first battle, the British were victorious, however they did not break through American lines to accomplish their objective. In the second battle Americans were victorous having the entire British army surrounded causing them to surrender. The defeat of the British in this battle convinced France to form an alliance with America. -
Siege of Yorktown
There were several battles being fought in 1781, and French troops fought alongside Americans in these battles, resulting in British loss. The British sought refuge in Yorktown and reinforcements or help from the sea. However, with the joint forces of the Americans and the French, Yorktown was captured and the British were forced to surrender leaving 7500 British troops captured. This was the lst major engagement of the Revolutionary War. -
Treaty of Paris
After the surrender at Yorktown, the British relized they could no longer win the war leading to the signing of the Treaty of Paris. According to the treaty, Britian accepted its defeat and recognized the independence of America. The treaty also stated that the Mississippi River was the boundary of the USA even though the new nation would soon expand over it. -
Constitution of the US Composed
The Constitution of the US was composed at Constitutional Convention which took place in 1787. This event was participated by all Thirteen state delegates in order to discuss and determine the government now free from British rule. They also discussed the powers of the President of the United States. George Washington precided over the convention having been a key factor in winning the Revolutionary War. -
President Washington
General George Washington was made the President of the United States on April 30, 1789. This made him the first president of the United States. -
Bill of Rights
Some states were not in favor of the new Constitution. They agreed to vote for it as long as it was amended soon after. The Bill of Rights is the ten amendments concerning the basic rights of all humans. This Bill provided the right to assemble, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and legal rights to name a few. -
The Whiskey Rebellion
After the Revolution, nearly all states had large dept to pay. In order to do so the Whiskey tax was initiated on the producers of whiskey. Soon after this tax was imposed there were protests throughout Pennsylvania of those refusing to pay the taxes. The protests were very widely spread so President Washington sent in a militia. In the end the tax was repealed. -
John Adams
John Adams was the second president of the United States. He served from 1797-1801 and he was a Federalist.