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important events about the American revolution

By braelee
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    this was tax on the colonies and the paper this all was put on by the king and queen to take money and make colonies poor this was symmetrical
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    This was a riot that took place on king street in boston they started a riot with sticks and stokes that had killed 5 men in one day
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    The boston tea party was people dressed as Indians they dumped tea into the ocean it was a reaction to come back for the stamp act
  • Lexington and concord

    Lexington and concord
    The British were taking colonist guns the minute men slowed British down in Lexington colonies won their first battle in Concord and they got hope and we're very happy. Symmetrical
  • bunker hill

    bunker hill
    This battle of the British lost their strategies they got defeated by the Americans this was a major confidence booster for those Americans the battle also took place in Breedshill. Symmetrical
  • common sense pamphlet

    common sense pamphlet
    This push the idea of freedom away it was written for the colonies is supported independence from the British and more. Asymmetrical
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Call me is voted on whether they wanted to separate or not Thomas Jefferson Ben Franklin in John Adams sign the declaration of independence. Asymmetrical
  • battle of Trenton and Princeton

    battle of Trenton and Princeton
    this was a pamflipt written for the colonist for their independence from the king and queen
  • battle of Saratoga

    battle of Saratoga
    Colonies want this battle of the battle change winning rate it made the French sign the alliance for everyone. Symmetrical
  • valley forge

    valley forge
    British got continental army out of Philadelphia and they burned down houses and buildings they stole very many goods from other people. Symmetrical
  • war of the south

    war of the south
    Americans suffered a huge defeat and lost the battle this was one British went down south to change plans and start a new beginning. Asymmetrical
  • Yorktown

    Cornwallance surrendered here french in the colonies trapped British in Yorktown this was Peninsula. Symmetrical