Important Events

  • Period: 987 to 1328

    Capetian Dynasty Rules France

    The kings of France, like those of England, looked for ways to increase their power. After the breakup of Charlemagne’s Empire.
  • Period: 1154 to 1189

    Henry ruled England

    His rule lasted for many years and impacted England a lot
  • Period: 1199 to 1216

    The Magna Carta

    Henry was succeeded first by his son Richard the Lionhearted, hero of the Third Crusade.This was a big deal because the Crusade time was a very important part of the English history
  • Period: 1295 to 1300

    The Model Parliament

    Another important step toward democratic government came during the rule of the next English king.
  • Period: 1328 to

    France Becomes a Separate Kingdom

    Hugh Capet, his son, and his grandson all were weak rulers, but time and geography favored the Capetians.