Feb 21, A report claimed that the use of defoliants by the U.S. had scarred Vietnam for century. Defoliation was meant to save lives by denying the enemy cover.
Feb 21, Dame Margot Fonteyn (b.1919), ballerina (1st lady of British Ballet), died in Panama City, Fl. In 2004 Meredith Daneman authored “Margot Fonteyn: A Life.
Feb 21, Kristi Yamaguchi of the United States won the gold medal in women's figure skating at the Albertville Olympics; Midori Ito of Japan won the silver, Nancy Kerrigan of the United States the bronze.
Feb 21, Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr reversed his decision to quit and said he would complete the investigation.
Feb 21, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan began formal talks with Iraqi officials in the standoff over weapons inspections.
Feb 21, Julian Bond was elected chairman of the 64-member board of the NAACP.
Feb 21, In Pakistan two Iranian engineers were killed in “sectarian violence.
Feb 21, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright reported little progress toward a Kosovo peace settlement during talks in Rambouillet, France.
Feb 21, A US CH-47E Chinook helicopter with 10 soldiers crashed into the Mindanao Sea in the Philippines. 3 bodies were found by local fishermen.
Feb 21, The International Red Cross visited former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, who was in U.S. custody.