Annie kenney and christabel pankhurst

Important dates in women’s rights history

  • Philadelphia committee led by Benjamin Franklin attempts to regulate waste disposal and water pollution.

  • Sojourner Truth delivers her "Ain't I a Woman" speech

    Sojourner Truth delivers her "Ain't I a Woman" speech
    Fought for equal rights.
  • Henry David Thoreau publishes Walden

  • The term ecology is coined in German as Oekologie by Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel

  • Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton found the National Woman Suffrage Association

    Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton found the National Woman Suffrage Association
    Fought for women's right to vote.
  • The term acid rain is coined by Robert Angus Smith in the book Air and Rain

  • 1905 — The term smog is coined by Henry Antoine Des Voeux in a London meeting to express concern over air pollution

  • US Congress created the National Park Service

  • Woman win the right to vote

    Woman win the right to vote
    The 19th Amendment finally passed, ratifying women's suffrage.
  • Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring

  • The Equal Pay Act passes

    The Equal Pay Act passes
    Abolished wage discrimination against women.06
  • The Apollo 8 picture of Earthrise

  • Earth Day

    Millions of people gather in the United States for the first Earth Day organized by Gaylord Nelson, former senator of Wisconsin, and Denis Hayes, Harvard graduate student. US Environmental Protection Agency established
  • Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, and Betty Friedan form the National Women's Political Caucus

    Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, and Betty Friedan form the National Women's Political Caucus
    Was formed in order to support, recruit and train women who want to a spot in public office.
  • Title IX Prohibition of Sex Discrimination

    Title IX Prohibition of Sex Discrimination
    Nixon signed the Education Amendment that prohibits discrimination in academic activities based on sex.
  • Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade makes abortion legal

    Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade makes abortion legal
    Civil case were plaintiff wanted an abortion in Dallas, Texas
  • The Supreme Court bans sex-segregated "help wanted" advertising

    The Supreme Court bans sex-segregated "help wanted" advertising
  • Establishing National Commission for the Observance of International Women's Year 1975

    Establishing National Commission for the Observance of International Women's Year 1975
  • Sandra Day O'Conner becomes first woman to serve on the Supreme Court

    Sandra Day O'Conner becomes first woman to serve on the Supreme Court
    First woman to serve on the Supreme Court.
  • Montreal Protocol

    Substance that deplete the ozone layer entered into force that
  • The Kyoto Protocol

    Was negotiated in Kyoto, Japan in December. Countries that ratify this protocol commit to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases
  • U.S. rejects the Kyoto Protocol

  • U.S. announces it will cease participation in the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation

  • U.S. announces it will rejoin the Paris Agreement on climate change mitigation