Important dates in cyber punk

  • cyborg

    The term "cyborg" was created by Manfred E. Clynes and Nathan S. Kline torefer to their conception of an enhanced human being who could survive inextraterrestrial environments.
  • Internet

    The Internet is born. This is the beginning to the internet being everywhere and being used by everyone.
  • Punk

    The Ramones release first album; punk begins. The genre of punk is created finding a unique crowd that follows it.
  • Cyberspace

    cyberspace is coined by Dr.Adder. Creates a term to describe what the internet is.
  • World wide web

    The debut of the World Wide Web (WWW) as apublicly available service on the Internet. Everyone can now use the web to search for anything they like.
  • Robots

    Robots start to patrol in Iraq - Controlled by human operators. We have moved into the next step of warfare where we don’t have to put humans directly in harms way.