Important dates

  • Oct 27, 1534

    Jacque Cartier's first voyage

  • Oct 27, 1535

    Jacque Cartier's second voyage

  • Oct 27, 1541

    Jacque Cartier's third voyage

  • Champlain establishes Quebec

  • the Royal Governement

  • the War on the Plains of Abraham

  • the Articles of Capitulation

  • The Royal Proclamation

  • The End of the Seven Year War

  • The Act of Quebec

  • The Declaration of Independance

  • the Treaty of Versailles

  • The Constitutional act

  • the War of 1812

  • The rebellions in the Lower Canada and Upper Canada

  • The Act of Union

  • Free Trade

  • Responsible Governement

  • the Treaty of Reciprocity