Prior to Imperialism: Shaka Zulu founds Zulu Empire
Shaka put into motion many social, cultural, military and politcal reforms which molded a very reformed Zulu state. One important reform was the one that intergrated defeated clans into the Zulu's and were not demoted for their circumstance of birth. -
The Great Trek
Several group of Boer left the Cape Colony fed up with Britains rule. Primarily with the British proclamation ordinance of 1828. Even though the document promised all equal rights to coloured, they left in search of greater freedom. -
Natal seperates from the Cape Colony
Seperated by the Charter of Natal.The Colony would have limited self-government through a partly elected Legislative Council. -
Battle of Isandlwana
Fought between the British and the Zulu kingdom which ultimatly led to a defeat of the Zulu forces. -
Period: to
First Anglo-Boer war
Second Anglo-Boer War
Fought between the Britsih and the Afrikaan speaking Dutch.Boer controlled the Transvaal Republic and the Orange free state but ended up losing to Britain. -
South Africa gains independence
On this date South Africa left Britain and became a Republic by leaving the common wealth and Queen Elizabeth II succeding from head of the state. -
killing in clashes.
During the Soweto uprising 20,000 started protesting about the indtroduction of Afrikaans as a medium in public schools.