Apr 11, 1500
Imperial Economic Expansion in N.A
European global expansion began in the 15th century. Europeans discovered that the world was rich in natural resources, such as the cod off the coast of neufoundland. -
Period: Apr 11, 1500 to
Imperial Economic expansion in N.A
French and British Rivalry
The fur trade with indigenous peoples of North america was important for european econopmic development and settlement. Both britian and france sought to control the fur trade. The HB compant was created in the late 1600's, and the NW companies were creasted iin 1783. they created a social and economic rivalry, which resulted in increased conflict among first nations. -
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French And British Rivalry
Treaty Negotiations ( Changing Practices)
Co-operative, and mutually beneficial. Recognised the nationhood of the first nations. -
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Treaty Negotiatrions.
Indian Fur Trade (Important Branches)
Was at first an insignificant barter, now very considerable. One of the most important branches. -
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Indian Fur trade (Important Branches)
British Rule in India
North america was only one part of the globe affected by european imperialism. British imperialists in India established the british east india company in 1600. -
Religious Motivation (Imperial Policies)_
Religious Rivalry between the British and French also contributed to imperialist policies and practices in north america. The british colonists, who were mostly protestant, saw french Roman Catholic colonies as a threat to their way of life, and vice versa. -
English and french Confederation
By 1867, English and French colonmists had negotiated a partnership to control the lands and resources north of the 49th paralell. -
Equality In Nations (First Nations)
Givwes First nations perspective on treaty-making with the Canadian Government in the past. -
Period: to
Equality In Nations. (First nations)
CPR- Laying Imperial Tracks
The west was the home of First Nations people for thousands of years. However, Europeans and their colonial descendants saw the west as open for expansion and settlement. -
Period: to
CPR- Laying Imperial Tracks
Aboriginal Land Claims
Aboriginal Land claims date back to the peroid of european settlement in North America.Canada was different in various parts of North america. There was more than 70 treaties between europeans and various First NAtiobs In some parts of canada. -
Period: to
Aboriginal Land Claims