Imperialism to World War 1 Unit 3

  • Period: to

    Start of Imperialism to End of WW1

  • The U.S. acquires Alaska

    Seward arranged for the U.S. to buy Alaska from the Russians for $7.2 million.
  • The U.S.S. Maine Sinks

    The Ship blew up in the Harbor of Havana.
  • Period: to

    The Spanish American War

    Few days after the publication of the de Lome letter American resentment toward Spain turned to outraged. After the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine Yellow Journalist blamed that it was the Cubans that was behind the sinking of the ship and caused the Spanish and Americans to go to war.
  • The U.S. takes Hawaii

    Congress proclaimed Hawaii an American Territory, although Hawaiians had never had the chance to vote.
  • Treaty Of Paris

    An agreement that ended the Spanish American War.
  • The Platt Amendment

    The newly formed Cuban government wrote a
    constitution for an independent Cuba. The constitution, however, did not specify the relationship between Cuba and the United States. Consequently, in 1901, the United States insisted that Cuba add to its constitution several provisions,
  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The assassinations touched off a diplomatic crisis.
  • Start of WW1

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
  • Schlieffen Plan

    This plan called for a holding action against Russia, combined with a quick drive through Belgium to Paris; after France had fallen, the
    two German armies would defeat Russia.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    When a Germany U-boat shot a torpedo and hit the British liner caused the United Kingdom to join the war against Germany.
  • The U.S joins the War

    The U.S declares war on Germany after they found out about the Zimmerman Note/Telegram.
  • The Collapse of Germany

    Austria-Hungary surrendered to the Allies.
  • The End of WW1

    This became known as Armistice Day - the day Germany signed an armistice (an agreement for peace) which caused the fighting to stop.