Imperialism in Indonesia
The Portuguese took control over Indonesia. The Portuguese had a really powerful military that allowed their country to expand. They were looking for resources and looking to force their religion on other people. -
Imperialization in Malaysia.
Malaysia was imperialized by Portugal. This affected the language a lot. The Mayla language adopted many Portuguese words. -
Imperialism in India
The British took control over India. The British were able to restrict Indian industries such as textiles. -
Imperialism in Australia
Britain imperialized Australia. One of the really negative affects of British Imperialization in Australia was that new diseases were introduced and the people weren't immune to these diseases. -
Imperialism in China
The British also took over China. When Britain gained control industrialization started which caused overpopulation, pollution, and harsh work environments for employees. -
Imperialization in New Zealand
New Zealand was imperialized by Britain. This caused them to lose a lot of their culture. However, It also became and modern state. -
Imperialization in Vietnam
France imperialized Vietnam. This really changed the city structures, many culturally significant statues were destroyed. -
Imperialism in Egypt
The British colonized Egypt too, the affects are very negative and very long term. Egypt basically lost it's culture, they lost their freedom, and imported goods wiped out local craft. -
Imperialization in Congo
Congo was imperialized by Belgium. This harmed the people because they were forced into manual labor for valued resources and weren't treated fairly in the work enviroment. -
Imperialism in Austria
At this time Austria was imperialized by Germany. Germany actually provided a lot of support for Austria in it's recent conflicts with Serbia. -
Imperialization in Kenya
The British imperialized Kenya. This was really bad for the Kenyan people because it forced farmers and workers into infertile land or even made them work on British owned plantations. -
Imperialism in the Phillipines
America imperialized the Phillipines. The war that led to this is considered to be one of the very negative affects of American imperialization. This war left the Phillipines poor and without a strong leader. -
Imperialism in Cuba
America imperialized Cuba. This affected the Cuban independence movement and utilized military force. It also affected their economic state. -
Imperialization in Sudan
Sudan was taken over by Britain at this point. This caused those native to the land to be displaced, new religions to rise, and changes in the political structure. -
Imperialism in Mexico
America imperialized Mexico at this time. America stole land from Mexico but Mexico was forced to pay for it. Mexico lost a lot of it's culture and traditional religion.