Fall of the Mughal Empire
The fall of the Mughal Empire was a result of the British East India Company slowly taking over India. This slow but practically inevitable take over through the economy allowed the BEIC to end the Mughal Empire. -
British East India Company secure their control over India
Following the Seven Years War, the British East India Company or BEIC gradually took over India. They did so with economic imperialism by accessing a great deal of India's trade. The large wealth from natural materials made India a great colony for Britain, this is why they called it the "jewel in the crown". The BEIC immediately treated the Indians as a lower class and gave them no respect. -
First major famine of the British rule in India
Famines began to increase as soon as Britain took over. The system of tax farming where tax collectors from a town could take as much food from a family as they wanted created a huge increase in famines as well. The first major famine was the first of many where millions died, 10 million from starvation in the end. On top of that Britain showed there cruelty by acting as the good guy and offering food for labor, although the food was almost nothing and people died building Britain's railroads. -
First Opium War
The First Opium War was a war that took place between British and China over the importing of illegal opium. China had refused to get anything other than silver and gold for trades with Britain, and in anger Britain began to illegally import the addictive drug opium into China. War began to broke out and eventually ended in China signing a very unfair treaty that gave Britain Hong Kong (99 years), lots of money, and 5 ports in China. -
Treaty of Nanking
When the British were dominating the opium war the Chinese were basically forced to sign the Treaty of Nanking or sometimes called the Unfair Treaty. The treaty gave Britain ownership of Hong Kong for 99 years, lots of money that was mainly used to replenish their military, and 5 new ports that allowed the British easy access to China. This treaty gave Britain great dominance over China because after the war China was in pieces, and opened the door for many other imperialistic countries. -
Taiping Movement (1850-1864)
The Taiping Rebellion was started by Hong Xiuquan, a young man from southern China who recruited people in the lower class to stand up for equal wealth. While others were living in great wealth, many people in China who weren't getting enough food decided to follow him because he gave them hope. Over time the peasant army took over cities, but internal fighting in the rebellion followed by attacks from foreign countries and Qing forces ended it while leaving over 20 million Chinese dead. -
Commodore Matthew Perry arrived in Japan
Commodore Matthew Perry was a naval commodore who was sent to Japan by the American President Milford Fillmore to deliver a message. The message basically said that Japan had to open their ports for trading with the US or they will be destroyed in a years times. This was a the US could use their power to almost threatening Japan into giving the US what they want. After Japan agreed to begin trading, Japan's long run of isolation was over. -
Treaty of Kanagawa
The Treaty of Kanagawa was Japan's reply to the message delivered by Matthew Perry on the behalf of the US. This was Japan's only real move because the US said they would destroy Japan if they didn't agree to the conditions. The Treaty opened two new ports to the US to take on supplies. This was extremely important however because other European nations wanted a piece of this deal, which lead to Japan wanting to industrialize. -
Sepoy Mutiny
The Sepoy Mutiny was the uprising of Indian Soldiers under British control. The Sepoys revolted against British powers because they were forced to bite off fat concealed cartridges, received low pay, and limited opportunity to advance. This rebellion ended up in a defeat over the strong British army and no change to the problems they fought for. -
India becomes part of the British Empire
After the Sepoy Mutiny was defeated many changes occurred in India. The entire government system for India was reorganized and Queen Elizabeth named herself Empress of India. As a result no good change happened on the Indians behalf but rather they got less respect. -
Meiji Restoration (1867-1913)
Soon after the Treaty of Kanagawa the unpopular Tokugawa Shogun stepped down and young Mutsuhito took his place as the Emperor. Mutsuhito brought a new sense of hope and national pride to Japan, and wanted to quickly modernize Japan to not fall behind stronger foreign powers.This quick industrialization was the Meiji Restoration, and Japan did it much faster than any other imperial country. -
Zulu War
The Zulu War took place between the British and Zulus over rights to the land the Zulus owned. The British wanted this land and assembled an army of at least 40,000 men to defeat the Zulus. The war resulted in a British victory, with thousands of Zulus killed in its tracks. -
Berlin Conference
The Berlin Conference was a meeting of European powers prior to major African Imperialism. At this meeting countries such as Germany, France, and Great Britain created certain rules for for taking over Africa. This act shows how these countries thought they were superior over the Africans and how they could just come in and take what they wanted. -
King Leopold II receives international recognition confirming his claim over the Congo
King Leopold ll took over territory of the Congo at the Berlin Conference. The King's rule was violent and unfair, and the citizens of the Congo were worked to death. In this time they collected natural resources for King Leopold ll and Belgium. -
Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895)
After the Meiji Restoration Japan's military was strong, so they took on their biggest Asian competitor, China. This was the Sino-Japanese War and was mainly for Japan's pride and trading rights with Korea. This war went on for a few months and eventually Japan drove China out of Korea and gained land in Manchuria. -
Battle of Adwa
The Battle of Adwa was a battle between the Ethiopians and Italians. Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia saw what was happening to Africa and prepared guns and an army for war. This smart move allowed them to defeat Italy and from then on, no other imperialism country attempted to conquer it. -
Boer War (1899-1902)
The Boer War was a fight between the Boers and the British when the British tried to take over British land. After diamonds were discovered in Boer lands the British moved in, but their industrial style was not on par with the Boers farming lifestyle. Although the Boers fought for a while against the much bigger British army with guerrilla warfare, they eventually lost and were placed into concentration camps. -
Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901)
The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising of regular Chinese citizens who were unhappy about the increasing foreign influence in the country. The battle between Boxers and foreign powers lasted 55 years, and after a little bit the Empress sent the Chinese army in to help the Boxers. The result was that the foreign powers defeated the uprising and forced China to pay them more money, give them more land, and execute all Boxers. -
Russo- Japanese War (1904-1905)
The Russo- Japanese War was fought between Russia and Japan not too long after the Sino- Japanese War. This battle was over the resource filled land of Manchuria that bordered Korea. Japan ends up winning again, and much of the world is surprised that little Japan beat mighty Russia. -
Declaration of China as a republic
By 1911 an increase in revolutions caused the Manchu emperor of China to be overthrown. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen or the "father of modern China" took place as the new president of modern China, and declared China as a republic. He inforced of new systems for the government, but he still encountered problems during his reign.