American progress (john gast painting)

American Expansionism Timeline

  • Jose Marti launched a war for independence from Spain

    Jose Marti launched a war for independence from Spain
    Many guerilla tactics were used, the rural population was put into reconcentration camps, and the Cubans and Spaniards destroyed American property.
  • A letter was discovered that called Mckinley stupid and weak. The USS Maine then blew up shortly afterwards.

    This led to American patriotism and calls for war. It fueled American jingoism, or aggressive nationalism.
  • Spain declared war on the United States

    Spain declared war on the United States
    McKinley asked Congress for the authority to use force against Spain. Then, Congress enacted four resolutions that lead to the declaration of war. Spain then also declared war on the United States.
  • Commodore George Dewey led his vessels into Manila Bay in the Spanish-held Philippines.

    Commodore George Dewey led his vessels into Manila Bay in the Spanish-held Philippines.
    Dewey issued the order to “fire when ready,” the ships quickly destroyed the Spanish force. Spanish troops began surrendering as thousands of U.S. troops landed on the islands.
  • American Marines and Soldiers landed in Cuba.

    American Marines and Soldiers landed in Cuba.
    U.S. Marines captured Guantanamo Bay, and a force of 17,000 soldiers under U.S. Army General Williams Shafter stormed ashore east of Santiago. His army consisted of the Rough Riders lead by Theodore Roosevelt and the African American Ninth and Tenth Calvary regiments. They helped win the battles for Kettle and San Juan hills.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Was signed by Spain and the United States and it officially ended the war. Spain gave up control of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Guam. Finally, it sold the Philippines to the United States for $20 million.
  • America keeps the Philippines

    America keeps the Philippines
    American imperialists decided that they could not give the Philippines back to Spain and they had the duty to educate/civilize the Filipinos. However, anti-imperialists, including William Jennings Bryan and Mark Twain, did not agree with keeping the Philippines. In the same year, a large group of anti-imperialists formed the American Anti-Imperialist League.
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    Philippine Insurrection

    In 1899 Emilio Aguinaldo helped organize an insurrection. They relied on guerilla warfare, but they ended up getting crushed by the U.S. soldiers. The U.S. also put the civilians into concentration camps. In 1901, Aguinaldo was captured and this marked the beginning of the end of the insurrection.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    In May 1900, the Boxers killed foreign missionaries. The Boxer Rebellion was an anti-western rebellion that European countries and America sent forces in to squash.
  • The Foraker Act

    The Foraker Act
    After the Spanish-American War, Puerto Rico was still up in the air. The Foraker Act established a civil government in Puerto Rico.
  • America Constructs the Panama Canal

    America Constructs the Panama Canal
    After failed attempts to build a canal through Nicaragua in the late 1800’s, companies convinced the U.S. to buy the claim. America built a canal through Panama, allowing trade to convert between the Pacific and Atlantic.
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    Japan, without declaration, attacked Russia’s Pacific fleet, starting the Russo-Japanese War.

    Russian troops were sent to Manchuria, Japan took offense to this so Japan bottled up Russia’s Pacific fleet stationed at Port Arthur, China. Multiple engagements and battles occurred in Manchuria until Theodore Roosevelt negotiated an end to the Russo-Japanese War.
  • School Board banned Japanese, Chinese, and Korean children from attending public schools with white children.

    School Board banned Japanese, Chinese, and Korean children from attending public schools with white children.
    In the fall of 1906, the San Francisco School Board banned Japanese, Chinese, and Korean children from attending public schools with white children. With tensions already high between America and Japan this did not go over well.
  • The Great White Fleet Sets Sail

    The Great White Fleet Sets Sail
    Roosevelt sent 16 white battleships around the world. It was a demonstration of America's military power.
  • Revolution Grips Mexico

    Revolution Grips Mexico
    Mexican Dictator Porfirio Diaz had benefited his country’s small upper class of wealthy landowners, clerks, and military men. Foreign investments in Mexico grew, with American businesses owning large portions of Mexico’s industry. Many Mexican farmers struggled with poverty. In 1911, Francisco Madero led the Mexican Revolution that toppled Diaz.
  • Congress passes the Jones Act

    Congress passes the Jones Act
    An act that pledged the Philippines would gain their independence. They did not end up gaining their independence until after the end of World War II.
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    President Woodrow Wilson sends U.S. troops into Mexico (Pancho Villa Expedition)

    Wilson used the Mexican arrest of U.S. Sailors as an opportunity to help Carranza attain power. Pancho Villa’s rebel forces crossed into New Mexico, slaughtering Americans. President Wilson responded by sending 10,000 expeditionary troops led by General John J. Pershing. America failed to capture Villa, and since America declared war on Germany in 1917, he withdrew his troops from Mexico in order to prepare a mass deployment to France.