Imperialism Timeline

  • World War II

    During the mid 1900 hundred’s the events of World War II Africans began to seriously rebel against colonization.
  • Ghana

    In 1940 Kwame Nkrumah introduced the idea of the pan- Africa .
  • Ghana

    I 1957 hundred’s Ghana would gained it’s independence.
  • The Kikuyu People

    The Kikuyu people of Kenya are a political organization in the 1920 hundred’s they fought for there freedom from Great Britain.
  • Kenya

    Did you now that it took years for Kenya to become independent in 1963 hundred’s.
  • Joao

    Jomo Kenyatta would become the newly independent Kenya’s first leader. In 1960 hundred’s in Nigeria became independent .
  • Belgium

    Belgium because became independent in 1960 hundred’s after the Europeans had drawn there country.
  • Belgium

    After their independence in 1965 hundred’s Joseph Mobutu become a seized power.
  • Nigeria

    In 1976 hundred’s the Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent.
  • Golden Age

    In 1400 hundred’s during the Golden Age the Europeans began to sail on south
  • European Traders

    During the 1500 hundred’s Europeans traders began to sell African guns and other goods in exchange for slave’s.
  • Europeans trading

    The Europeans where just being to buildings trading post in Africa in the early 1500 hundred’s
  • Europeans Trading

    By the time it was 1800 hundred's they were taking over many countries for their resources they had .
  • Country’s

    During the 1900 hundred’s Europeans had already taken over nearly all of Africa .
  • Ethiopia

    Africa try to take over Ethiopia but it remained uncolonized until Italy invaded them on 1930 .
  • South Africa

    In the 1910 hundred’s South Africa was granted their independence from Great Britain.
  • South Africa

    In the 1948 hundred’s the white South Africa also known as Afrikaners made there policy of legal separation based on race .
  • Mandela

    Mandela and Klerk were awarded the Nobel prize for there work on 1993 hundred’s.
  • Nelson

    1994 hundred’s South Africa held there first open elections in which Nelson Mandela was elected as the new president.
  • Sudan

    Sudan gained there independence from Great Britain in 1956 hundred’s .
  • Civil War

    It started once again on 1983 hundred’s.
  • Civil War

    The civil wars started 1956 hundred’s.
  • Cvil War

    It ended on 2005 .
  • Civil War

    The Cvil War ended in 172 hundred’s.
  • Sudan

    On 2011 a lot of people died from the war around millions of people. .
  • Qaddafi

    On 2011 Qaddafi was captured and sadly killed .
  • Mubarak

    Mubarak was a dictator who controlled Egypt for around 30 years. But he was forced to resign in 2011.
  • Period: to


    In the 1964 hundred’s Mandela was arrested for life because he wouldn’t keep silence and protested from prison.
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    In 1989 hundred’s did you know that Klerk was elected for president of South Africa.
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    He realized that apartheid could not continue. In 1990 hundred’s ,he announced the end of apartheid .