Philippine Insurrection
A war between the United States and the filipino revolutionaries from 1899-1902. It is an example of US imperalism because they wanted to fight the United States and they wanted more power aginst them. -
Roosevelt Corollary
A corollary to the Monroe Doctrine that was written by Theodore Roosevelt. It states that the United States will intervene in conflicts between European countries and Latin American countries to enforce claims of the European powers,rather than having the Europeans press their claims directly to them. -
US occupation of the Dominican Republic
It was code name for the Operation Power Pact. began when the U.S. Marine Corps entered Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic,in the Dominican Civil War. -
Cuban Intervention
It was the second Cuban Intervention.After the collapse of President Tomas President Roosevelt ordered an invasion of Cuba and established an occupation that would continue for nearly 4 years. The goal of the operation was to prevent fighting between the Cubans, to protect the North Americans. -
The Great White Fleet
The great white fleet is a nickname for the Navy fleet. The NAvy fleet is the ships that they bombed. It was a 14 month long voyage. -
Panama Canal (completion of the canal)
The Panama Canal is a 77.1-kilometre ship canal in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The canal cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and it was built for the trade.