Imperialism Timeline

  • Europe trades with Africa

    The invention of the steam boat allowed Europeans to explore into the interior of Africa
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    A rumor spread that the cartridges in the guns the sepoys used were greesed with pork and cow fat. The sepoys, who were mostly Hinus and Muslims, were outraged since the cow is sacred to the Hindus and Muslims don't eat pork.They rebelled and overtook the city of Delhi. The British government eventually regained control, starting the Raj.
  • Suez Canal

    Muhammad Ali's grandson, Isma'il, supported to construction of the Suez Canal, which would cut through the isthmus of Suez and connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.
  • Berlin Conference

    Fourteen European nations met in the Berlin Conference to figure out which nation gets which part of Africa. No African leaders were invited to this conference.
  • Queen Liliuokalani

    Queen Liliuokalani wanted to write a new Constitution giving her more power. She refused to sign a treaty giving commercial privileges to foreign businessmen...she was then overthrown by a fruit company...XD
  • The Battle of Adwa

    Menelik II, the emporer of Ethiopia at the time, pitted his enemies against each other to keep them from taking over Ethiopia. He signed a treaty with Italy, believing he was only giving up a small part of Ethiopia, when the treaty really claimed all of it. Menelik then declared war on the Italiens(The Battle of Adwa). The Ethiopians defeated the Italiens.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spain and America went to war over over territories. America eventually won and got the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam from the Spanish.
  • Boer War

    The Dutch a.k.a. the Boers a.k.a the Afrikaners settled down in South Africa. Then the British came and pushed the Dutch a.k.a. the Boers a.k.a the Afrikaners North, where they ran into the Zulu(led by Shaka). The Dutch and the British went to war, using guerilla tactics(Dutch) and concentration camps(British).
  • European control

    ...and then there were two...
    Every country in Africa was claimed by the Europeans, except for Ethiopia and Liberia.