European trade with Africa becomes well established
All of the European nations wanted to gain control. They thought that by having more land that it would add to there powere an wealth. By 1850 Euro nations had set up trading ports along Africa's coast. These ports were made to transfer Africa's natural resources with Europes manufactured goods. -
East India Comp. collapses due to Sepoy Rebellion; Brittish Raj begins
In 1857 the Brittish East India Company collapsed from the Sepoy Rebellion. Sepoy's were native troops in the comoany. Sepoys thought the Brittish were taking there control too far in India. This sparked the rebellion. After bloody warfare people went away from this style og governing and that was the beginnig of the Raj in Brittian. -
Suez Canal links the Medeterranean and Red Sea
The Suez Canal was opeed in 1869 for transportiting godds and navigateing. The Suez canal connected the medeterranean Sea and the reds sea. -
Berlin Conference convences to discuss terms for African colonization
The Berlin Confernece was a meeting of European nations to divide Africa. This would later be named under the scramble for Africa. These divisions were made to show which European nation controlled which part of Africa. -
Queen Liliuokalini takes the throne of Hawaii
Queen Liliuokalini was the last queen of Hawaii before it became a part of the United States. She loved the culture of her island and wanted to keep it independent. However eventually, in 1898 the United States forced her to give up power as they made Hawaii ther own. -
Ethiopians defeat the invading Italians at the Battle of Adwa.
During the frantic period of imperialism Italy attempted to take over Ethiopia. Meneik II, the leader of Ethiopia, made a peace treaty with the Italians. Italy however who was really fully invested in taking Ethiopia over declared war. Menelik led Ethiopia in triumph over Italy. -
Spanish-American War breaks out; Puerto Rico, Spain, and th ePhilippines taken from Spain
The Spanish-American war was started over control of Puerto Rico and the Phillipines. THey fought it out and the Americans ended up with control of the two lands. -
Boer War in South Africa
The Boer war was started between the Dutch Boers and the immigrating Brittish. The Boers thought that Brittish cullture was starting to rub off on the Dutch. As a result they began in war. When the Brittish government found out, they joined the war fighting the Boers. The Brittish overpowered the Boers. They had to admitt defeat and sign the Treaty of Vereenging ending the Boer War. -
Most of Africa under European control
By 1914 Imperialism had spread all across Africa. Most of AFrica was controlled by the French and the Brittish