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Imperialism through the Ages

  • 1500


    In April 1500 the Portuguese made land fall Brazil, opening up imperialism in the Americas. Because of contact between the Natives and Europeans, the Native cultures began to change as the settlers brought European goods such as beef and pork . The Portuguese also brought their religion, and the Natives took aspects of Catholicism and incorporated it into their own. With the Portuguese settling in what is now Brazil, the official language is Portuguese.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Imperialism through the Ages

    This is a timeline depicting colonies that later became countries with European influences.
  • 1505

    Kilwa Africa

    Kilwa Africa
    In 1505, the Portuguese established a puppet Sultan in Kilwa. The Portuguese established trade posts and missionaries in Kilwa, but they were not able to have a significant impact on the natives there. This can be seen as a failed attempt of a European power trying to implement their culture on a native civilization.
  • 1513


    Juan Ponce de Leon claimed Florida for Spain around April of 1513. Florida was primarily a mission colony to convert the native peoples around the territory. Today, some of the missions built are still standing. Many of the Europeans that colonized set up missions to convert the natives. If the natives were part of the same religion it would give more power to the European rulers.
  • 1519


    in 1519, Heran Cortes invaded what is now known as Mexico, for the Spanish crown. Because of Spanish colonization, the Native's cultures were forever changed with the implementation of the Spanish language, Catholicism , and European foods. As time went on the Natives were forced to learn Spanish, forced to convert to Christianity, and accepted Old World foods, such as beef and pork.
  • Saint Dominique

    Saint Dominique
    The French colony of Saint-Dominique, now known as Haiti, was established for agricultural purposes, with African slaves working on the plantations. Not only did the French disrupt the native populations culture, they disrupted the African slave's culture by bringing them to a new country to work. Because of this there is a mixture of Native, French, and French cultures.The most famous practice to come out of this is the art of voodoo.
  • India

    Beginning in 1757, the British had company control over India through the British East India Co. Because of British influence in India, many Hindus started dressing in European styled clothing, and many European styled universities opened up offering European education.
  • Senegal

    in 1783, the Treaty of Versailles granted France with power over Senegal. After decolonization, there are still many French aspects in Senegal. 1, their official language is French, 2, the African people in Senegal incorporated French Cuisine into their diets, and 3, the French did not enforce a religion onto the people of Senegal. Today, in Senegal the people are mostly Muslim.
  • Australia

    Like in the America's, once the Aborigines had contact with the Europeans they began dying off due to disease. Because of this the Europeans were able to enforce their culture onto those that survived, and the criminal that were sent to Australia. Today Australia has a western styled culture.
  • Ghana

    In 1867, The Treaty of Berlin gave Great Britain authority over Ghana, once again expanding Great Britain's sphere of influence. Unlike France in Senegal, Great Britain was able to influence the people of Ghana to convert to Christianity. Along with religion, the people of Ghana began to speak English, making it the official language.
  • Hawaii

    In 1893, President Grover Cleveland declared Hawaii as a U.S territory, and eventually in 1950, Hawaii would enter the U.S as the 50th state. Today Hawaii has two official languages- English, and Hawaiian. Hawaii was able to keep most of its culture intact, and today many Americans and people from around the world visit Hawaii to see the beautiful landscape and experience the Hawaiian culture. One of the things that Hawaii had a influence on the U.S and many parts of the world is surfing.
  • Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico
    In 1898, the Treaty of Paris gave the U.S authority of Puerto Rico, unlike the European rulers, the United States did not force Puerto Rican's into American culture. Today Puerto Rican's reject American culture because of their Spanish background. The only part of American culture that Puerto Rican's accept is American jazz.
  • Nigeria

    In 1900, the Royal Niger Charter ended giving Great Britain control over Nigeria. Like Ghana, the people of Nigeria speak English. Nigerians were also introduced to New World crops such as all the peppers from the America's, changing the diets of the Nigerian people. The British went to Nigeria to start missionaries and to spread Christianity to the Nigeria.