imperialism p2

By akris2
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    In an attempt for the Chinese to stop the British from smuggling in opium into their country, China tried to close off ports to their country from the British. This lead to war, which the British defeated the Chinese and lead to the Treaty of Nanjing.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    The Rebellion was caused by Indian soldiers fighting against british tyranny.
  • Queen Victoria Crowned Empress of India

    Queen Victoria Crowned Empress of India
    Queen Victoria Crowned Empress of India took on this role due to British rule in India. This, along with a need for stabilization in this region lead to her becoming empress.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    The war was caused by Dutch and British settlers fighting over land rights to southern Africa due to the discovery of gold and diamonds. The Dutch boers wanted to keep other nations from getting to the resorces in the land they had claimed. This resulted in war which the British won.
  • The Open Door Policy

    The Open Door Policy
    A policy created by the United States in an attempt to end Chinese isolationism and open up trade to the world.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Rebellion brought upon by the Chinese people in an attempt to overthrow European rule in Beijing. The Chinese government allowed this to happen and after several months they were defeated by the Europeans.
  • Revolution of 1911

    Revolution of 1911
    Revolution of 1911was a rebellion in which a democracy was created in China due to the vision of the modern Chinese in having a modern and independent government.