India imperialism

Imperialism of India

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    English ship

    First English ship in India.
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    British East India Company

    British East India Company sets up a trading post at Surat.
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    Mughals grant Britain the right to trade

    Mughals grant Britain the right to trade and establish factories in exchange for the English navy's protection of the Mughal Empire, which faces Portuguese sea power.
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    Finish English East Indies Company

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    Decline of the Mughal Empire.

    Decline of the Mughal Empire. When Aurangzeb's reign ended, the empire's sources were depleted. When he died, the empire was just a wealthy figurine.
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    British Raj

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    British defeat the weak Mughal Emperor

    British defeated the weak Mughal Emperor to become rulers of Bengal, the richest province of India.
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    The British East India Company obtained a monopoly

    The British East India Company obtained a monopoly on the production and sale of opium in Bengal in 1773.
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    English left India after World War II

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    Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan,

    Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan, gains independence from Pakistan following the war.