Imperialism in Africa

  • 1400

    Golden age Exploration

    The Europeans started by sailing south to Africa in an attempt to get to the wealth of silks and spices that were found in India and China.
  • 1400


    When the Europeans traded the slaves with America they got goods while Africans were suffering of voyage to go work for the Americans.
  • 1400

    More slavery

    Unfortunately later the Europeans started slavery with the Africans and started taking Africans away from Africa to America so they could be put to work by making sugar, rice, and cotton.
  • 1400

    Slavery Exploration

    Doing this Europeans learned more about how Africans are wealthy and their culture but later started trading goods with the Africans.
  • 1400


    Unfortunately during the travel from Africa to American lots of Africans died during the journey.
  • 1500


    When slavery began lots of the Europeans took over the country and started building trade routes
  • 1500


    When the Europeans took over they knew that Africa had a lot of resources and important trade routes that they wanted control over.
  • 1500


    Britain started by taking over Egypt to control the Suez Canal that is a man made waterway connecting from the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea together.
  • 1500


    Britain got more land over in the western central and southern part of Africa.
  • Colonization

    By the 1900’s Europe had taken over almost all of Africa and the only country that wasn’t taken over was Ethiopia but then Italy divided it in 1930
  • Colonization

    In the mid 1900’s it inspired the event of world war 2 that Africans began to seriously rebel against the colonizations.
  • Colonization

    By the 1900 Europe had taken almost everything Africa had.
  • South Africa

    A member of the ANC, Steven Biko was beaten to death by police.
  • South Africa

    In 1910 South Africa was able to be independent from Great Britain.
  • Colonization

    In the 1920’s Kenyas people set up and organization to fight for freedom from Great Britain.
  • Colonization

    The worst country to be established by Europe was the Belgium Congo because almost all africans suffered from violence.
  • South Africa

    In the 1948 whites would demanded blacks to work for hours.
  • South Africa

    In 1948 white Africans know as Afrikaners made apartheid laws.
  • South Africa

    Steven Biko’s story was then made into a song by Peter Gabriel.
  • Sudan

    Sudan got to be independent from Great Britain in 1956.
  • Sudan

    After Sudan got independence the people in the south rebelled against the northern ruling.
  • Independence

    Belgium Congo became independent in 1960 and the country wasn’t a stable, fair government place for people to go.
  • Independence

    When the Europeans took over they started making boarders to the different country’s and did it with out thinking where different ethnic groups were located.
  • Rwanda

    Rwanda is a small country that was divided by two ethnic groups before Rwanda became a Belgium colony, the group Tutsi and Hutu ruled together.
  • Rwanda

    When colonization came the Belgium government wanted the Tutsi group to control the Hutu group and put the Hutu group to work.
  • Rwanda

    When Independence came to Rwanda all of their violence broke out and the Hutu group took over.
  • Colonization

    It took lots of years for Kenya to become independent but it finally did in 1963
  • South Africa

    Nelson Mandela was another fighter but soon was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his actions.
  • Zaire

    The suffering of the people in Congo continued for a very long time.
  • More Independence

    In 1965 Joseph Mobutu took over and renamed the country to Zaire. The people were suffering because of his violence and people didn’t have a very happy life there.