
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    -1839 - 1860
    -British merchants smuggled in opium into China in exchange for tea, silk, and porcelain.
    -Chinese tried to stop smuggling.
    -British stops China from trying to stop the smuggling.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    -Sepoys = Indian soldiers
    -Sepoys rebelled against the British because they used sacred animal fat as a seal. This caused controversy because many did not want to put the seal in their mouth.
    -British quieted revolt within year.
    -British tightend control of India and ended the East India C. dominance.
  • British Raj Founded

    British Raj Founded
    -1858 - 1947
    -British takes over India (named British Raj)
    -British tried to appease Indians by building India's economy up, and they improved roads, railways, telegraph lines, canals, and schools.
    -British tried to changes the ways of the people.
    -Indian farmers forced to grow cotton instead of wheat (factories needed more cotton). This caused famines.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    -US created policy to open Chinese trade to all nations.
    -Tried to make trade more fair for itself and Japan. Most European nations and Russia were having more success with trading, despite China's reluctance to trade.
  • The Boer War

    The Boer War
    -10/11/1899 - 5/31/1902
    -Boers=dutch settlers who took and established land
    -Boers tried to keep others (from around the world) from gaining political rights. The others came from around the world because diamonds and gold became very popular.
    -Boers blamed the British, and a war began.
    -1st modern war because they used commando raids and used guerrilla tactics against the British. British burned farms and imprisoned people in concentration camps.
    -British won the war.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    -11/2/1899 - 9/7/1901
    -Peasants set siege on European section of Beijing for months (very violent).
    -Chinese gov. allowed it to happen and took no action.
    -Europeans were sent and finally defeated peasants
  • Revolution of 1911

    Revolution of 1911
    -10/10/1911 - 2/12/1912
    -Chinese, who desired a modern, independent republic rebelled against the Quing dynasty.
    -They won.
    -This created a democracy.