
  • philippine Revolution

    philippine Revolution
    During this time period the Philippines wanted independence and were inspired by the writing of Jose Rizal. It was tough and had a lot of eternal conflicts but eventually the Spanish American war happened and the U.S got involved and it ended up leading to the Treaty of Paris. Due to that Spain gave up control of the Philippines.
  • The purchase of the Philippines

    The purchase of the Philippines
    On December 10, 1898, officials from Spain and the United States inked a treaty in Paris that granted Cuba independence, transferred ownership of puerto Rico and Guam to the United States and permitted the U.S to acquire the Philippines islands from Spain for $20 million When the Philippines was purchased filipino citizens were not consulted about it and were not happy.
  • U.S Philippine war begins

    U.S Philippine war begins
    The U.S Philippine war began in 1899 and lasted until 1902. This was a continuation of the struggle for independence by the filipino people, this time about the colonial control. The conflict occurred when tensions escalated between filipino nationalist who had already proclaimed their independence and American forces intent on establishing governance of the islands.
  • Japanese occupation and World War II

    Japanese occupation and World War II
    During 1941 through 1945 Japan occupied the Philippines until Japan surrendered. It began after the attack on Pearl Harbor, as Japan aimed to control the Pacific region. Filipino guerrillas played a crucial role in providing intelligence and ground support for advancing American forces.The eventual victory of the Allied forces and liberation of the philippines in 1945 came at a high cost and with widespread destruction and loss of life but it also paved away for the Philippines.
  • Philippines independence is recognized by U.S

    Philippines independence is recognized by  U.S
    This marked the end of American colonial rule and beginning of full sovereignty for the Philippines. The day on independence now known as 4th of july was a grand celebration in the philippines due to it symbolizing the countries freedom but also enduring ties between the Philippines and United States. Later on the Philippines changed it's independence day to June 12 because it was when it first declared independence from Spain.