
  • Matthew C. Perry in Japan

    Matthew C. Perry in Japan
    United States Naval Commodore, who played a major role in the opening of Japanese Ports to the West by using forms of diplomacy and force.
  • Teary of Kanagawa

    Teary of Kanagawa
    Fearing the safety of their nation, Japan signed this treaty that would end a 220-year old foreign policy of National Seclusion, opening ports to American vessels.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    Uprising started by an Indian group in India, rebelling against the East British Company takeover of the region. Although the attempt was one that was unsuccessful, it goes to show that the region wasn't willing to being taken over by the British.
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    Opium Wars was series of two wars, the first lasting from the years 1839 to 1842 and the second from 1856 to 1860; the Opium Wars was a dispute between Britain and the Chinese over the legislation of Opium into Chinese trade, as well as control over the restrictions the Chinese was putting on European merchants in their lands. The First war ended with the Treaty of Nanjing, granting Britain money and Hong Kong, while the Second ended with the opening of over 80 more ports for foreign powers'.
  • David Livingstone is Found

    David Livingstone is Found
    Henry Morton was an British explorer who was sent to Africa on a search for fellow British explorer, David Livingstone. Livingstone was the first European explorer to have gone on major exploration expeditions of Africa to learn its geographical layout.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    United States foreign affairs policy, created by John Hay (Secretary of State), keeping China open to trade with all countries equally.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    President Roosevelt's addition to the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, stating that the United States is allowed to interfere/ aide into European or other countries affairs. The addition was made as an result of the Venezuelan Conflict of 1902-1903.