Imperialism and World War 1

  • Imperialism

    Imperialism is a policy in which stronger nations extend their economic,political, or military control over weaker territories.
  • Acts of American Imperialism

    The Secretary of State John Seward favored an empire in North America consisting of Canada, the Caribbean,Hawaii, and other Pacific Islands. They purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867 for 7.2 million dollars.
  • Hawaii

    US involvement there had included sugar and pineapple plantations. The U.S. secured the rights to pearl harbor for a naval base.
  • Spanish-American War Starting

    William McKinley was elected president and promised to protect America business and free the Cuban people.
  • The De Lome Letter

    The Spanish Ambassador's letter was sent to the U.S. and caused a break down after an insulting letter. This is why of this because the letter called McKinley weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd, the letter outraged the public.
  • Explosion of the Maine

    The U.S.S. Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, it killed 260 American soldiers. The American people believed that Spain was the one responsible for this.
  • The War in Cuba

    War was declared for Cuba, the Teller Amendment pledged that U.S. would guarantee self-rule to Cubans. The war lasted for 113 days, several thousands deaths were caused from the battle including disease and poisoned meat.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The war ended, Spain received $20 million for the Philippines, and the Philippines became an American protectorate. They had a Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Guam and Puerto Rico were transferred as American Territories.
  • Causes of the War

    Militarism,Alliance system,Nationalism,Imperialism. These are mainly the reason of the starting of the war considering different countries joined different alliance and gaining more army and taking over small weak territories.
  • Immediate Cause of the War

    Russia was the Immediate cause because Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by a Serbian. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia which caused Russia to go to war with Austria-Hungary, soon Germany, France,Italy, finally Britian.
  • Causes of US Entry Into War

    Germany started an unrestricted submarine due to England's blockade of Germany. The U-boats, England started to transport military goods in civilian ships causing Germany to start fire on there ships.
  • Lusitania

    A German U-boat fires on a British ship that had 128 Americans who all died. The American public was outraged at this,causing more people to want war with Germany.
  • Zimmermann

    The Zimmermann telegram was a message from Germany to Mexico, They were asking Mexico to make another front between themselves and the US. It was sent and the Americans were all outraged and demanding war.
  • The Americans Join the War

    They outlawed strikes because it could interfere with the war effort. Increased production and sped up work hours but did not increase their money. Food,Oil,Gas,Steel and Iron were protected.
  • Leading the End of War

    The American troops arrived it caused the collapse of the Germany Government.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    This Treaty officially ended the "The Great War". It placed all of Germany losing a large amount of land and are required to pay 33 Billion dollars in reparations.