Imperialism and Second Industrial Revolution

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    Opium Wars

    The Opium Wars were two wars in the mid-19th century involving Anglo-Chinese disputes over British trade in China and China's sovereignty. The disputes included the First Opium War and the Second Opium War
  • Exploration and conquest

    Exploration and conquest
    Before 1850, Africa, Asia and the Oceans were mostly unknown to Europeans.
    After 1850, explorers led by Stanley (on behalf of Leopold II, king of Belgyum), Livingstone (for Great Britain), and Brazza (for France) travelled across Africa. This gave a lot of information to these countries that ultimately made conquest easier.
  • The invention of steel

    The invention of steel
    The steel was invented by Sir Henry Bessemer. Steel is a metallic material consisting basically of an aliage of iron, carbonium and sometimes some additives. Before the revolution, steel was an expensive material. Then the Bessemer converter was invented, which allowed for steel to be mass produced at a lower cost.
  • Sepoy Multiny

    Sepoy Multiny
    Was a period of Sipai uprisings against British rule. The revolt took place mainly in northern and central India and is sometimes regarded as the country's first independence movement.
  • Railroads

    The increase in steel production from the 1860s meant that railways could finally be made from steel at a competitive cost. The first to make durable rails of steel rather than wrought iron was Robert Forester Mushet at the Darkhill Ironworks, Gloucestershire in 1857.
    Railroads became very important and by 1920, rail had become the dominant means of transportation.
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    Technological advances of the 1870s

    The major technological advances of the second industrial revolution in the 1870s were: automatic signals, air brakes, and knuckle couplers on the railroads; the Bessemer and then the open-hearth process in the steel mills; the telephone, electric light, and typewriter.
  • Invention of the telephone

    Invention of the telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell patented his telephone in 1876. Networks of telephone lines were built quickly across the United States. The invention of the telephone provided an important device for facilitating human communication.
  • Electric light bulb

    Electric light bulb
    In 1879, the American inventor Thomas Edison perfected his design for a practical electric light bulb. This invention greatly improved working conditions and productivity in factories.
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    Technological advances of the 1880s

    The major Technological Advances of the Second Industrial Revolution of the 1880s were: the elevator and structural steel for buildings, leading to the first “skyscrapers.”
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    Berlin Conference

    The Berlin conference of 1884 - 1885, regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period and coincided with Germany's sudden emergence as an imperial power.
  • use of cars

    use of cars
    The invention of combustion engine led to its use for cars and lorries, the base for transport in the 20th century.
  • Invention of the skyscraper

    Invention of the skyscraper
    Chicago’s Home Insurance Building, completed in 1885, was the first modern skyscraper with a metal frame, which allowed for a taller building without the enormous weight of traditional brickwork. Engineer and architect William Le Baron Jenney devised the design, which utilized steel beams rolled.
    It was the first use of steel in a building in the United States. This shift altered the look of cities and made it possible for much larger numbers of people to live and work in them.
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    Post- Impressionism

    Was a predominantly French art movement that developed roughly between 1886 and 1905, from the last Impressionist exhibition to the birth of Fawism
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    Technological advances of the 1890s

    The major Technological Advances of the Second Industrial Revolution of the 1890s were: The phonograph and motion pictures; the electric generator; refrigerators and washing machines and gradually replaced water and steam-powered engines; and the internal combustion engine, which made possible the first automobiles and the first airplane flight by the Wright brothers in 1903.
  • Fashoda Incident

    Fashoda Incident
    The Fashoda Incident was an international incident and the climax of imperialist territorial disputes between Britain and France in East Africa.
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    Boer Wars

    It was a war in which Great Britain fought against the Transvaal and Orange Free state.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Was an uprising against foreigners that occurred in China about 1900, begun by peasants but eventually supported by the government.
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    Child Labor

    Perhaps the most tragic negative aspect of the Second Industrial Revolution was the growth of unregulated child labor. To help their impoverished families, children, often as young as four years old, were forced to work long hours for little pay in factories under unhealthy and unsafe conditions.
  • Battle of Kousséri

    Battle of Kousséri
    The Battle of Kousséri was originated in French plans to occupy the Chari-Bagurmi region. In 1899 - 1900, the French organised three armed columns. The objective was to link all French possessions in Western Africa, and this was achieved in April 21, 1900.
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    Maji Maji Rebellion

    The Maji Maji rebelion wasthe most significant African callenge ti German colonial rule during the brief period when Germany had African colonies.