
  • opium war 1

    opium war 1
    first opium war between britain and china began.
  • treaty of nanjing

    treaty of nanjing
    was what stopped the first opium war. gave Britain Hong kong but they later gave it back.
  • opium war 2

    opium war 2
    united kingdom and french against the qing.Franco-British victory
  • sepoy rebellion

    sepoy rebellion
    wide spread rebellion which was unsuccessful between indian troops (sepoys) and british east india company. often called the first war of independence.
  • treaty of Tientsin

    treaty of Tientsin
    halted the first phase of the second opium war.
  • David Livingstone Was Found

    David Livingstone Was Found
    Henry Morton was sent to find David and when he finally found him on the coast of a lake he stated the famous words ¨David Livingstone i presume¨
  • Queen Victoria crowned Empress of India

    Queen Victoria crowned Empress of India
    after the british east india company could not hold their own, the government stepped in and after they gained control she was crowned.
  • ww1

    world war one started