
By Apoliti
  • East India Company

    East India Company
    The East India Company was an economic venture that Great Britain took in order to capitalize on the economic prospects of India. This venture undermined India's government, but that was not a concern of the British.
  • Treaty of Kanagawa

    Treaty of Kanagawa
    A treaty between the United States and Japan that opened trade and improved relations between the nations. The treaty chipped away at the isolation in Japan.
  • Indian National Congress Formed

    Indian National Congress Formed
    A political party that was formed in India to advocate for nationalist views. Essentially, many citizens of India were fed up with Britain's control over their nation, and they desired sovereignty.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    The Open Door Policy was heavily advocated for by the United States and it was a policy that encouraged free trade amongst many nations, specifically China. The United States advocated for this policy since they wanted to increase trade with China and avoid economic isolation.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Chinese peasants attempted to revolt against the foreigners that inhabited China. However, Europeans successfully defeated the rebellion, which resulted in more European presence in China.
  • Revolution of 1911

    Revolution of 1911
    The revolution had the aim of overthrowing China's final imperial Dynasty, and it succeeded.
  • Panama Canal Opened

    Panama Canal Opened
    The panama canal allowed goods to be delivered much more efficiently between the Atlantic and Pacific, as opposed to going all the way around South America.