
By ichavez
  • The Opium Wars

    The Opium Wars
    British Merchants had been smuggling in Opium from India since the start of the 1800s. In 1839 the Chinese tried to stop the smuggling of Opium but the British easily defeated the Chinese.
  • The Treaty of Nanjing

    The Treaty of Nanjing
    After the Opium Wars the treaty of Nanjing was created, it ultimately became an unequal treaty. The treaty granted the British money and Hong Kong.
  • East India Company's Control

    East India Company's Control
    BY 1857. The East India Company controlled most of India. Since the British were a big part of India at the time they considered it to be the brightest "jewel in the crown".
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    Sepoys (Indian soliders) rebelled against the British, after a year the British ended the revolt. A result of the rebellion was the British Parliament tightening their control of India and ending the East India Company's dominance.
  • Queen Victoria crowned Empress of India

    Queen Victoria crowned Empress of India
    In 1877 Queen Victoria of England was declared Empress of India by Benjamin Disraeli, the prime minister of England at the time. After 1858 India was already under the control of England but when Queen Victoria was given this title it gave England a closer link to India
  • The Berlin Confrence divides Africa

    The Berlin Confrence divides Africa
    The European countries feared war among themselves because of the competition for African land. In 1884-85 fourteen European countries met at the Berlin Conference to decide the division of Africa. The European nations divided the continent while barley thinking about how it would affect the African people.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    In 1899 the Boers (dutch settlers in Africa) blamed the British for trying to start a rebellion There were disease ridden concentration camps. In the 1860s and 1880s diamonds and gold were being discovered in Southern Africa. Suddenly people from all around the world tried to make their fortunes, therefore the Boers in the area tried to keep the outsiders from gaining political rights. The british were blamed, starting the war.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion
    In 1899 peasants set siege on European sections of Beijing for months. The Chinese government allowed it to happen surprisingly; in the end the European soldiers defeated the peasants.