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Napoleonic Wars
Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself the Emperor of France in 1804 which he fought his mary in many wars against multiple different European countries until the French people once again were fed up with Napoleon and sent him to Saint Helena and island off the coast of Africa where he later died. Napoleon showed imperialism with his aims to wanting to make France an empire to compete against the other European powers. -
France conquered Algeria
France had conquered Algeria in North America -
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First Opium War
the Opium war began in 1839 it was a conflict against Western powers and the Chinese Qing dynasty. China was trying to defeat the opium trade that Britain had been illegally exporting opium from India to China at the popularity had grown rapidly in 1820. -
European trade between Africa was established
Trade among the Europeans and Africans as goods imported to Africa inclued cloth, iron, copper, jewellery, bead and alcohol and the Europeans got in return were textlies, carvings, spices, gum and African slaves. -
India is uncontrolled by Britain
British Raj begins
Britain had control over India for two years, while this British had criticized the division of the Hindu and the Raj was just a social segregation. -
Suez Canal
The Suez Canal was a shipping route built in Egypt in 1869. The route was meant to connect for Asia and Europe to transport goods throughout the countries. The British Empire was at it's peak and was trying to scramble up as many countries as it could and to have a large part of the shipping route would make it a lot easier for the British to cut down travel time to colonise in Africa and India and expand the empire -
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Africa was divided
European powers divided up the entire African continent except for Ethiopia and Liberia as they are their own independent countries -
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Berlin Confere
The Berlin Conference also known as the Congo Conference was requested by Portugal which all major western powers were to discuss and end the confusion of the control of Africa. -
Ethiopians defeat the invading Italians
In 1896 was the Battle of Adowa, the reason for this war was the mistranslation between the Italians and Ethiopians and the protection of each of the countries. The Italians were occupying northern Ethiopia the city of Adigrat Menelik, they had declared war on the Italians which defeated the Italians showing the end of imperialism as Italy had no longer be able to control northern Ethiopia. -
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Spanish-American War
The Spanish-American War began because America felt at risk of being overtaken by a European power. Spain was defeated by America for then America to become an imperial country. -
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The Boxer Rebellion
In 1899 the boxer a name that was called for as the Chinese group of the military they were ordered to destroy and foreigners. By 1900 the boxers were killing any Chineses Christians and Western missioners. Ending in September 1901. -
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Boer War
The Boer War began because of the greediness of the British Empire wanting the gold mines that the Boers had found when they had escaped from the control of the Cape Colony. The British won the war which ended with the Boer people being back under the control of the British Empire. -
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Russo-Japanse War
The war between Russia and Japan was the first for an Asia power to defeat a European power. The war began because of the rivalry between both Japan and Russia and there want for Korea and Manchuria. Eventually Russia evacutee southern Manchuria which China toke over and Japan toke control of Koera. -
Majority of Africa under control of Britain
By 1914 Africa was under control by the British