Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine is a document signed into law by President James Monroe to protect america from foreigners. The Doctrine protected the US from becoming a colony again. There was foreign help protecting the US by the British navy. -
Opium Wars
The Opium wars were wars fought by China and England because England sold chinese people opium in exchange for tea and fine china. The english won the wars by defeating the Chinese and gaining Hong Kong in a treaty in the end. -
East India Trading Co.
The East India Co is a british company that had a monopoly on the indian trading routes to other countries and England itself. The problem that the company made was that there was a revolt amongst workers that caused the British to make stricter laws on the trade routes. -
British Raj
The British rule over India. The British ruled all of India in the Raj and had control over all of the resources. -
Suez Canal
The Suez Canal was a project undertaken by the french in order to sail through the land crossing from Egypt and today Saudi Arabia in order to sail around Africa. This canal filled the need to have a faster route from Asian countries by not having to sail around Africa. -
Berlin Conference
Where all the competing countries meet together in order to divide Africa by telling each other what you have claimed and having better communication in Africa in order to stop a european war. -
Panama Canal
The American government took the job from the failed french and undertook the colossal task to build a trans-oceanic canal. The Americans finished the canal and connected the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.