Period: to
James Monroe sent a message to congress creating the monroe Doctrine
violence in Havana led U.S. authorities to order the battleship USS Maine to the city’s port to protect American citizens
USS maine was sunk by spain, killed 260 americans
The Teller Amendment was passed by the senate.
americans declared war on spain, Spanish American War began, Americans fought for the cubans against spain to gain Cuba’s independence
Dewey led a us navy squadron into Manila Bay and destroyed the anchored spanish fleet
the spanish fleet was destroyed off santiago by the us
the war ended
an armistice was signed between spain and the us
Treaty of Paris
The Foraker Act was approved by congress
mckinley was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz who shot him two times in the chest
Teddy Roosevelt became president after William Mckinley was assassinated.
May 4,1904- A ceremony occurred to officially start the Panama Canal Project.
The Panama Canal opened.