
  • Europe and Africa trades

    Europe and Africa trades
    At this time Africa controlled their own trade network and provided their trade items. However Europeans wanted more. They wanted control and power over these resources Africa had. They wanted to boost their economic.
  • Period: to


    Modern World History Text Book
  • Crimean War

    Crimean  War
    Russia and Ottomans launched a war on the Black Sea to gain lands there. Britain and France also entered to back the Ottomans Empire because they also wanted a share of the Ottomans Empire.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    Indian soldiers rebelled causing a big uproar because they did not want to use the cartridges given to them because it contained pork and beef and they had to bite them off. It was against there religions and they refused to.
  • Britain took Control Over India

    Britain took Control  Over India
    After the Sepoy Mutiny Britain was outraged and took complete control of the India after the war.
  • Christianity arises again

    Christianity arises again
    Missionaries from Scotland, traveled with a group of Africans into central Africa to promote Christianity.
  • Suez Canal

    Suez Canal
    The Suez Canal was invented by the Eygyptians consequently they were in debt so Britain covered it and controlled the Suez Canal. They used it for quicker access to its colonies.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    Any European nation could claim any part of Africa by telling the others and by showing that they had control.
  • Menelik ll

    Menelik ll
    Ethiopian emperor who kept Ethiopia independent from European nations by playing them against each other.
  • U.S. joins Imperialism

    U.S. joins Imperialism
    The United states began to colonize. It chose the indirect method of controls for the Philippines.
  • The battle of Adowa

    The battle of Adowa
    Ethiopian forces defeated the Italians and kept Ethiopia independent. They resisted European control.
  • Maji Maji War

    Maji Maji War
    Toure' believes that using magic such as using the magic water to sprinkle on there bodies would turn the Germans bullet into water.
  • Britain and Russia rule Persia

    Britain and Russia rule Persia
    Britain and Russia ruled Persia by splitting up sections.