
  • The Ottoman Decline

    The Ottoman Decline
    Poor leadership and corruption weakened the empire which led to Autria-Hungary seizing their territory and Russia also taking some land over. Russia eventually took over the Black Sea port; Germany , France, and Great Britain got trading rights, and the Europeans living in the territory did not live under Ottoman laws.
  • Modernization of Japan

    Modernization of Japan
    In 1853, Matthew C. Perry sailed to Japan to open trade between Japan and America. This led to the industrialization of Japan and they eventually became one of the world's leading industrial nations.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    14 European nations met and layed down rules for the division of Africa.
  • Open Door Policy is created

    Open Door Policy is created
    The U.S. created the Open Door Policy to open Chinese trade to all nations, and allow it to happen fairly. It also supported Chinese administrative and territorial integrity.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Pesants set siege on European section of Beijing for months and the Chinese gov't allowed to happen. It finally ended when European soldiers finally defeated them.
  • The Boer War

    The Boer War
    When diamonds and gold were found in South Africa in 1860-80, Boers (Dutch Farmers) tried to keep the outsiders coming for the loot from gainig political rights. When an attempt to start a rebellion againt the Boers failed, the Boers blamed the British and in 1899, they went to war
  • Revoulution of 1911

    Revoulution of 1911
    Chinese people who desired a modern, independent repulic rebelled againt the Qing dynasty and won, ultimatley creating a democracy.