Imperialism (1797-1905)

  • Global Events

    French Slodiers in Eygpt looking for Rosetta Stone
  • Politcial

    Napoleon is appointed First Concil in France
  • Politics

    Peace with France is established throught Europe
  • War

    Beginning of the Napoleonic Wars
  • Politics

    The French uncover a plot to assasinate Napoleon
  • Politics

    England gets rid of the slave trade
  • War

    Napoleon enters Russia with the Grand Army
  • Geography and War

    Napoleon has taken over Spain, Grand Duchy of Warsaw, Kingdom of Westphalia, Confederation of the Rhine, Switzerland, Kingdom of Italy, Kingdom of Naples, and Balearic Islands
  • War

    End of French Revolution
  • War

    End of Napoleonic Wars and Napoleonic Era
  • Politics

    Singapore becomes an outpost of the Britsh Empire
  • Period: to

    Greek Independence War

    Greek Independence is granted against the Ottoman Empire; Treaty of Constantinople is ratified at the London Conference of 1832
  • Political

    Brazil gains independence
  • Political

    French start conquest in Alegeria
  • War

    First Opium War against China
  • Politics

    Britain forces China to sign the Treaty of Nanking making China, especially Hong Kong open for trade
  • Economy

    Corn Laws are repealed; free trade in grain make the bRitish economy very strong
  • Period: to

    War and Economy

    Second Opium War; China is open to trade
  • Unification

    Italy becomes unified
  • Politics

    Treaty of Saigon gives France control over Southern Vietnam
  • Politics

    France establishes protectorate over Cambodia
  • Unification

    Germany becomes unified
  • Politics

    Second Treaty of Saigon gives France total control over Vietnam
  • Period: to

    Expansion and Politics

    Britain, France, Germany, Portugal, and Italy join the Scramble for Africa
  • Politics

    France make Vietnam a colony
  • Politics

    Leopold takes over the Congo
  • Politics

    France makes a protectorate over Laos
  • Period: to

    War and Politics

    Japan takes full control of Korea
  • War and Politics

    United States demands that Spain immediatly reform its rule in Cuba; Spanish-American War
  • Politics

    Fashoda Insident, Africa threatens war against France and Britain; settle peacefully