
  • Period: to


    a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  • Henry Stanley

  • Ottoman Empire Loses possessions in Europe

    Ottoman Empire Loses possessions in Europe
    The ottoman empire suffered a number of defeatessuch as the battles of mohacs and zenta and was forced to cede the bulk of hungary th the hasburg monarchy
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    In 1884, European powers came together at an international conference. It happened in not Africa but of course in Berlin, Germany. Africans were not allowed to come to the meeting. They realized Leopold's private claims of the Congo free state but called for trade witch was free on the Congo and Nigef rivers.
  • Reinsurance Treaty

    Reinsurance Treaty
    The secret alliance between Russia and Germany would both maintain sides in the case of a third party EXCEPT for when Germany attacks France,
  • First Sino-Japanese War

    First Sino-Japanese War
    In 1894 competition sparked between Japan, and China in Korea witch led to the First Sino-Japanese War. Even though China was able to have greater resources, Japan definately benefited from modernization. Suprisingly to China and even the West, Japan easily won
  • The Boer War

    The Boer War
    The Boer War was a war in which Great Britain beat the Boers of South Africa. It was a very rough and terrible war, but the british came out on top for a great cost
  • Anglo Japanese Treaty

    Anglo Japanese Treaty
    This was designed to calm down the Britain’s worry over trade in that region, and to also calm down the fears over Russian threat to India.
  • The Algeciras Conference

    The Algeciras Conference
    This Conference was called to settle the disagreement caused by the 1st Moroccan Crisis. Aside from the thirteen nations that were present, the German representatives found their only supporter to be was Austria-Hungary.
  • British United Cape Colony

    British United Cape Colony
    The British had united Cape Colony the former Boer republics into a union ina place called South Africa
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assissinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assissinated
    There were many factors, including, Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism & Nationalism, but this is the single event that sparked or ignited World War 1.